Chapter 12

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A/N: Just wanted to include the quick tidbit that Nico was the only Camper ever to see the Orientation Film, at least out of those currently attending CHB. Literally, as in he sang the "Welcome to Camp Halfblood song" and no one in the entire camp recognized it out of the hundreds of people there. How kewl is that? Also, just wanted to say that this entire fic thing is written in Third-Person Omniscient so there are some opinions that don't belong to Will, Nico, and certainly not me.

Oh, and if you don't like it, don't worry, I'm not overly inclined towards this particular chapter myself.

"You know, I see why everyone else opted out of school," Hazel muttered to Nico as he was attempting to focus on his AP Physics lecture.

"Shh, I'm trying to figure out how Momentum works." It didn't make any sense. He regretted picking AP Physics over AP Chemistry.

"It's pretty easy, just distance times velocity. Nothing to it." Will shrugged.

"Yeah, well not everyone is in college here, Mr. Know-It-All." Scowled Nico.

"Actually, I get it. We did this in Anchorage before I died." Hazel volunteered.

"Me too. Although I never died. Or went to Anchorage." Agreed Calypso.

"Fine, then why don't you guys do my homework for me tonight!" Nico gave up trying to convince his friends that physics was a pile of BS.

"Mr. Di Angelo, Ms. Levesque, Mr. Solace, and Ms. Valdez: would you like to come up here and teach for me?" Mr. Cunningham asked crossly.

"I'm ok, Mr. Cunningham." Will called back.

Feeling slightly besmirched, Mr. Cunningham reconsidered his proposition. "That wasn't a question, Mr. Solace."

Although annoyed at what Will had gotten them into, Nico, Calypso, and Hazel followed him to the board.

"You know, you used to have a sense of respect for authority," Nico whispered.

"That was before I began attending a school run by teenagers." Responded Will.

Will reviewed the problem on the board, a stereotypical one about two trains and momentum and the force the two would hit each other with.

"Hmm... well if the red train is traveling with a momentum of 98 miles per hour, a velocity of 32 miles per hour, and acceleration of 11 miles per hours, then you divide the momentum by the velocity for a total of 3.0625 tons as the mass. Then, you multiply the distance by the acceleration for a total force of 33.6875 Newtons. Do the same for the blue train with the appropriate variables and you have a force of -28.356609 N. Add the pair together and you've got 5.330891 Newtons. Rounded to the nearest hundred and the answer is that the blue train moved backwards with a force of 5.33 N. Easy enough." With a few quick swipes of the marker against the whiteboard, Will had solved the problem. Somehow, without a calculator.

"Very impressive, Mr. Solace." Admitted Mr. Cunningham begrudgingly. "What about you Ms. Levesque, next question."

She solved the next problem, one about energy and momentum, easily enough, followed by Calypso who took a little longer but got it done.

"Fine, Mr. Di Angelo." Mr. Cunningham was clearly pissed that his attempt to humiliate the unruly students had been futile. Knowing how bad Nico was at physics, he was hoping to embarrass the young boy.

Mr. Cunningham had never like Nico. He never applied himself to physics, either out of indifference or boredom, and appeared to be permanently out of it. Not to mention, Mr. Cunninghan disliked the boy's personality in general. Kind of snarky and emo with little respect for adults. Worst of all, he had a suspicion that Nico was gay (I'm not homophobic, this asshat is). And so he took every opportunity to mortify the teen but it never worked. He poked fun at Nico's neat handwriting, his clothing, even his personal life. Still, Nico remained stoic, even occasionally radiating a strange aura that made Mr. Cunningham want to curl up in a corner.

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