Chapter 20

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MUSICAL EPISODE! Just a chance for the geek in me to explode out. And yes, I know it's canonical that neither Will nor Nico can sing but fuck it, I don't care.  I just want my children to sing their hearts out. Both of them will go back to being unable to sing after this, don't worry.

"Are you fucking kidding me." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

Will shook his head and smiled as Nico stared at the flyer in his hands.

"Be More Cool? Isn't that the musical you were freaking out about the other day?"

"Actually, it's called Be More Chill. The school's just trying to avoid copyright." Said Will matter-of-factly.

"Then why not op for something like Peter Pan or the Pirates of Panzance? Something without copyright." Queried Nico as he handed the  piece of paper back to Will.

"The drama club voted on it and it was unanimous."

"But why sign us up for it?"

"Well," Nico could have sworn he heard some music rising in the  background as Will's voice received a  musical lilt, "I focused on a poster there on the wall, avoiding any eye contact at all, and trying hard to remain unseen."

"What do you mean? You're like the most extroverted person I know. Someone probably carried you to that poster." Scoffed Nico as he crossed his arms.

"That's Christine's shtick." Commented Will. "It's a sign-up for the after-school play."

"It's a sign-up sheet for getting called gay." Nico snorted.

"So you do know it!" Smiled Will.


"Anywho, fast forward to lunch and," The music that Nico thought he had been hallucinating swelled, "I feel my body moving through the air, see my converse walking over there, take a shaky breath and I prepare, who cares if people think I'm lame, Christine signed-"

"Who the fuck is Christine?"

"-I'll do the same, I grab the pen, I write my name."

Frank and Hazel's door practically burst out of its frame as someone kicked it down. "Ggggaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

Frank was standing there, a vibrant gleam in his eyes.

"I like gay people." Now Hazel was beside him.

"What the actual fuck is happening!? There's music coming from somewhere, Frank almost just destroyed my door, and now Hazel's voice is all nasally!"

"What's happening is that we're all about to be in a musical!"

Nico whipped around to see Leo and Calypso, holding the same poster that Will had brought home.

"Ok, you don't even go to our school and Calypso has been sick all day; what is happening?"

"Plot convenience." Leo winked at a blank wall.

"Come on, Nico! It'll be fun!" Begged Will. "All you have to do is audition! You might not even get a part!"

Nico let out a reluctant sigh, crossing his arms. "Fine. But I'm intentionally bombing the audition."

Will pouted. "That's no fun."

"If we're going out, we're going all out." With a cocky grin, Leo pumped his fist into the air.

"You can't even audition, students only." Said Nico pointedly.

"I can still help with props and scenery." Leo directed Nico's toward small text at the base of the page.

"Well this is going to be a wonderful disasterpiece, isn't it." Murmured Nico. "How're we even going to do this when we have four months of school left?"

"Rehearsal only lasts three months."

Nico gaped. "Three months!? Three months to memorize an entire fucking play?"

"It'll be funnnnnnnn." Will brushed Nico's wonderment aside.

"Yeah, especially since we're all trying out!" Grinned Hazel brightly. "We can help each other learn our lines at home."

"Oh my god, this feels like a shitty fanfic." Nico rubbed his brow with his thumb and middle finger.

And I'm ending it there! Let's be real here, this fanfic has severely gone downhill but I'm going to revive it.  Swear. I'm just having difficulty with school because I just barely pulled off straight A's which is not good, especially since I only had one A+. Summer school is happening which is just... great.  World history is so fun! I love have four projects in the first week, a test on the first day, and two tests on Friday. Just... WoNdErFuL. But anyways, next chapter won't suck super badly. Hopefully. Idk, I haven't written it yet. Lesse.

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