Chapter 9

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"We'd prefer a month's notice at the very least for new students, Mr. Blofis." Ms. Cordato raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Believe me, I would too." Paul eyed Hazel and Calypso who responded with innocent grins.

Luckily for the girls, Percy called his stepfather and he was nice enough to assist them. Nico sat in a chair in the back, watching the whole encounter from afar with Will. It was a good excuse to miss first period.

"But I'll let it slide, I don't feel like doing all of the paperwork. Just bring in your birth certificates and have your parents sign off on everything."

Hazel and Calypso exchanged nervous glances. "Would passports work?" Queried Hazel.

"And, tragically, none of our parents can make it today so is it alright if Mr. Blofis acted as our legal guardian?" Calypso tried.

Ms. Cordato's other eyebrow shot up. "Passports should work but I don't think-"

"I've got it." A gruff voice made everyone turn around and Will gasp.

There was Pluto, standing in front of the door dressed in an all black suit.

"Oh, are you their father?" Ms. Cortado wondered, surprised.

"I'm Hazel's father and Calypso's uncle. Calypso's father can't make it, he's going to be busy for a while... As in a few decades while." Pluto began before predicting Ms. Cordato's next question.

"Well, I suppose that would work then." She stuttered.

Nico knew that she was letting them off too easily, Hazel had to be manipulating her in some way for Ms. Cordato to let so much slide. She was known for being strict and unforgiving. Not to mention, neither of them had transcripts meaning there was no way to verify they had actually been to school before.

Hazel and Calypso withdrew their passports and Pluto grabbed a pen out of nowhere. They completed the minimal amount of forms and waited patiently for Ms. Cordato to file the papers.

"Since you don't have a schedule yet, then I suppose you can just tag along with Nico too."

Yeah, she wasn't making these decisions sentiently. Especially since Hazel was a junior who was about to take senior classes.

But no one questioned her choices. Will and Nico rose to exit with the others.

Hazel turned around to speak with her father. "Thank you so much, dad."

But Pluto didn't stop, he kept walking down the hall. Again, no one questioned it save for Paul opened his mouth but closed it again. Nico and Hazel were used to him randomly showing up before disappearing again and Calypso never had a good relationship with her father either.

As they were making their way down the hall, the bell rings, indicating that second period just started. It had taken a while before they managed to get an appointment with Ms. Cordato.

"Well, I guess that means we're going to my room now," Paul stated.

"I guess so." Replied Nico.

And so they made a left hand turn to get to English. There was a moment of silence before Paul broke it.

"So what's the big occasion?"

Nico kept his eyes averted forwards. "What do you mean?'

Paul looked at Nico. "Everyone just randomly shows up out of the blue. Why today of all days?"

"Would you like to answer or should I?" Asked Will, smirking.

When Nico didn't respond, Will spoke. "It's his birthday."

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