Chapter 18

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"Ok, it's not as bad as I thought it would be." Nico reluctantly admitted as he stroked the dragon's mane.

"See! I'm always right," Smirked Will as he toyed with a different dragon's controls.

He twisted the metal piece at the end of the wire so that his dragon was staring directly into Nico's soul with an amused expression of death. Nico stared right back with a rival gaze.

"This one's on fire!" For a moment, Nico thought that Leo was serious and whipped around, cursing himself for not affixing him to one of those backpack leashes he saw on toddlers at amusement parks.

"Leo, it's just red," Calypso, arms crossed, rolled her eyes, "Don't give everyone a heart attack."

"Look how cool it is!" Exclaimed Leo, disregarding Calypso. He removed it from its perch and carefully placed it on his shoulder.

"Yeah," Calypso watched as Leo released the dragon and it toppled backwards over his shoulder, only suspended by its wire, "Cool."

"Hey, how much are these?" Percy pet a blue one with green eyes- basically him in toy form.

"We are not getting one, they look terrifying," Said Annabeth as she glared at a green one with grey eyes as if she was afraid it'd transform into her mother if she looked away.

They had decided to join the six on their trip, Annabeth citing it as a god educational experience and Percy perking up at the prospect of watching a real joust. Although, both refused to dress up. Well, for the most part.

Percy whipped around, his ultramarine cape fluttering behind him. "Excuse me?"

He raised a hand, flagging an employee down. "How much is this one?"

The employee, dressed in a long, flowing dress and a glass flower crown, turned the tag over. "120."

Percy's mouth dropped. "Dollars or cents?"

"Drachma." Smiled the employee.

"Really?" Percy raised an eyebrow, silently inquiring of the girl's parentage.

"No, dollars," Her expression remained the same, removing any suspicion that anyone might've had. She paused before adding, "American."

"Sorry, Frank," Joked Hazel as she browsed through dragon eye amulets hanging on a wall.

"I'll take this one." Leo caught the attention of the employee as he hoisted the red dragon into the air.

"Just go to the cashier right up there." The employee smiled and directed Leo to the back.

"Is there any way to get one for less?" Will inquired.

"You can buy one of those eggs for $15," She pointed toward a series of baskets beside the cashier, "From that, you can either win a large necklace or a dragon worth up to $120."

Will raised an eyebrow at Nico. "Are you in the market for a dragon?"

Nico glared at Will.


With a smile, Will approached the counter and purchased a blue egg.

Nico watched as the pair began to engage in a conversation, one that made Will's grin even larger on his return trip.

"What're you up t-" Before Nico could finish, a loud screech pierced his eardrums.

"Prepare the hatchery!" The cashier screamed as if scared the penguins in Antartica would be unable to hear her proclamation.

"Prepare the hatchery!" Repeated the employee that had helped Leo as if the phrase were a satanic chant.

As Will's hand latched onto Nico's wrist as he began to drag his boyfriend toward a contraption in the front of the booth. It took a moment for Nico to connect the eggs with the small crowd forming around the "hatchery".

"Will Solace, I will fucking kil-"

"Prepare the hatchery!" Echoed Will.

"There are three things that power this egg-breaking contraption," (I can't remember exactly what she said) declared the employee, taking the egg from Will's palm, "One: the force of gravity. Two: repeating the chant 'Crack that egg!' five hundred times. And three: public humiliation!"

There was a titter of laughter from the curious crowd, come to see which poor shmuck was being embarrassed now. The employee placed the egg at the top of a pipe.

"Ready? Begin!"

As the employee tipped a lever, propelling the egg downward to the steady beat of "Crack that egg! Crack that egg!"

Even though Will was playing along excitedly, Nico refused to. The employee spotted this.

"Oh ho, what is this?"

Nico blushed and attempted to disappear into the crowd but Will's hand prevented him from doing so.

"We need one hundred percent participation in order for this to work," Winked the employee, not opening the hatch that would let the egg tumble out.

"Oh well, guess we're not getting a dragon," Nico turned around to leave.

"Nico," He turned back to look at Will, "Pleeeeeeaaaaase."

After a reluctant moment, Nico sighed: "Fine."

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