Chapter 7: Quirkless

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After that big arguement you were excused for a few days to heal. Despite it not being serious, you mom was pretty serious about letting you stay home till it is almost healed.

And when you did arrived, you were too scared to come face to face with Katsuki.

He would often bump into you but before he could say a word he immediately noticed your scared look and let you pass with guilt hanging in his chest.

But without Katsuki, you were exposed.

The kids now found no reason to be wary of you and teased you to hearts content. They weren't really hurting you physically but it did pained you emotionally.

"Oh my, it seemed that Midoriya-chan lost her body guard" one teased loud enough for her to hear.

"What happened?"

"Bakugo from the other class and Midoriya-chan got into a fight."

"No way!"


"And here I thought that they were made to be."

"Well, guess he finally learned how useless a quirkless can be."

Laughter and whispers were never spoken directly to you, but you hated yourself for having good ears to be able to catch the sounds in the air.

For the first time you then realized what was going on in the real worls.

You have always been aloof, heads in the clouds, oblivious to the world because of the security that Katsuki has always given you. And now without him. Your eyes are finally open.

'He was right' You to yourself sadly. 'I am such a dense idiot!'

You looked at yourseld in the mirror with sad eyes. You founded that frown to be a little ugly on your face. It made you look like you were sick, so you smiling and it looked so beautiful.

You blinked in realization. 'Why am I so sad about that?' You quesioned.

'I should have realized it now... A quirkless would never have the luxury in life than everyone who has a quirk.'

'Oh... but my brother still wants to be a hero despite that it may never— No don't think of that!' you shook your head to clear your thoughts.

'I can't be like everyone else, I am difderent from them. I am my brither's twin, I should be more supportive!' You thought with a determuned smile.

'I will believe in my brother, despite all the odds!'

Looking down at the water you clenched your fist. 'And I will be there for him, ones he finally realizes it... '

"Hey don't waste the water." A voice suddenly spoke up.

"S-Sorry!" You panicked and quickly shut the faucet.


"Hey Kukun!" Izuku smile at the voice of his sibling, he turned towards you.

"Oh hey (Y/N)—W-What happened?! Why are you crying?!" Izuku panicked as your eyes having pools of water just clinging on ready to fall at any moment.

"Oh? I didn't notice! That must be why the teacher asked if I was okay multiple times!" You say carelessly.

"H-Here..." Izuku gestured you to come closer and with a hankerchief he wiped the tears away.

"Done!" You beamed childishly. Izuku looked at you worriedly watching you sway without a care despite what happened. "Are you okay..?" He asked.

You hummed a little bit as you sighed. "I just realized what a big idiot I was." You say looking at your brother with an apologetic smile.

"I am so sorry for making you hold the burden of looking out for my stupid self." Izuku's eyes widen at that.

" (Y/N)... your not a burden..." before he could say more you shook your head.

"Its fine, from now on I will look after you like you do for me!" You say giving your brother a hug. Izuku didn't hesitate and returned the hug patting your head as you buried your face on his shoulder.

"I guess its you and me against the world, huh?" You mused earning a light chuckle from him.

"Yeah I guess so!"

Pulling away you held a wide smile on your lips, you quickly grabbed his hand and started to head home.

[3 Years later]

"Kukun! Time for dinner!" You called but recieved no answer.

"Oh? Is he doing homework?" Inko asked from the table.

"Don't worry mom, I'll get him!" You said to her with a smile before walking off.

With annoyed look you walked towards his room and nudged it open to see him doing homework for two difderent things. One for school and the other...

"How's your No. 10 going?" You asked leaning aginst the doorframe.

In surprise Izuku flinched and looked back to you as if you caught him in robbery.

"A-Ah! Sis! I am so sorry..! Is it dinner already?" Scratching the back of his head you chuckled and walked over to him.

"Let's see.."

Over the years you have changed drastically, it kind of shocked everyone who knew you from back then and now. You were more patient and more wise.

You weren't like the scared child from back then anymore. You grew up.

It didn't matter to you anymore that you have no quirk. You just gotta accept it and find another way to prove yourself to others. Just as you guessed Izuku still held on to his dream, it was admiring that he is not giving but you still hope he won't take it too far.

"Alright we will continue this later, we gotta eat!" You say with a laugh.

"Right almost forgot!"

"Good thing I came to get you or else you would have been the last one to eat!" You ruffled his head.

Walking down the corridor Izuku slightly glanced at your way for a little sec reminiscing the time when you used to depend on him.

And now ever since that fight, the roles switched.

Izuku admired at how strong willed you were, you were always there for him and had kept him from feeling lonely in this world.

"Izuku, is something bothering you?" You asked worriesly.

"Nope, just the fact that you became so cool." You blushed at his words and lightly laughed.

"Because I am inspired by you dummy!"

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