Author's Message #5: Summer Plans

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Hey, guys sorry that I had to do this while you guys were waiting for the next update. But as you all know that summer is coming up and for me, this is my last month of school, so my teachers are cramming up with stuff and projects and presentations.

So I have to put this story on hold. Yeah. Sorry guys but I don't think it will take long. Just two more weeks of school and then another week of rest and boom I am back.

So I will just report some progress on the new books I have mentioned before.

While in my little free time, I had started the Todoroki book and maybe soon next month I could post the How to Train Your Dragon book after I am sure you guys had at least know the basic. But if you haven't watched the movie yet, its best not read it since it has a few spoilers. Not really a lot but it has spoilers from the major scenes and parts.

Also, there will be some pairings, so please don't get mad at me, if it's not the kind of pairing you like. Well, one is already canon but still, you know.

And also, Happy Birthday to the sexy rated 18 hero, Midnight!

I am sorry I didn't draw the hot lady for her birthday its because I was worried she'd be censored. *coughexcusescough*

Anyway! I will see you guys this summer with new books and maybe better plots and plans! 😅

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