Chapter 9: 'Heroes'

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Okay after this chapter, and maybe one more.... I am terrible at predicting.

We are then in the series.

Soon enough you arrived at school in a breathless state. You ran the rest off tge way to school luckily you made 5 minutes before the bell.


You jumped as your brother met you at the shoe lockers. "H-Hey Kukun..!" You laughed nervously as he tried to look sternly at you with a worried facade.

"Why was I here before you? You always arrive before me.."

"Oh that..!" You laughed nervously. "Well I was just helping someone along the way, you know I can't help myself."

Izuku sighed in defeat. "Fine but make sure to text next time, I was worried sick." You nodded and walked up to him.

"Alright, alright!" You say carelessly petting his head.

"Oi, you are blocking my way nerds." You both heard a voice behind you. Izuku jumped in a panicky way and grabbed you by the shoulders moving both of your away.

"S-Sorry Kacchan..!" He stuttered.

You looked over your shoulder and met eyes with Katsuki, he looked like he was debating with himself on sonething before he huffed and walked away towards his classroom.

"Nekochi..." You mumbled to yourself.

Over time you decided to forgive Katsuku for what he did, despite how hurt you were. You weren't the kind to randomly hold grudges against people you haven't understood fully.

And because of how close you were with Katsuki you tried to convince yourself that despite his demean, there is still the Katsuki you know and love.

He was your bestest friend and you couldn't just throw that away.

"Let's head to class, okay?" Izuku say turning your attention back to him.

"Oh right! And here is you bento!" You say passing the bento to him.

"Ah, thank you, (Y/N)." Izuku says happily.

"You always make the best bento!" He says making you blush and look away.

"N-Not really, I mean, its just average not to special, like that cook hero, you always say his food is incredibly delicious." Not wanting your argument to take to long you grabbed your brother's hand and dragged him to your classes.


You were paying attention to your teachers discussion when you felt a slight tug on your hair.

You looked back but no one seemed to be looking your way not even the boy that sat behind you. So you turn back to the board and again you felt another tug.

Looking again, you finally spot the suspect and he laughed quietly with some at the back.

You quickly looked in front again feeling small under their gazes.

And this time there was a strong tug that made you hit your back against your chair. You held your hair in pain.

But karma had mercy on you and the guy who toyed hand slipped.

Your tables arranged to make sure it was hard to cheat and conclusion to that was the spaces were a bit far so the boy had to lean in using his hand as support.

So when he fell making a loud bang.

"Mr. Hanzo what are you doing?" The teacher asked angrily the boy caught who stared at him like a deer in headlights.

The teacher looked you who held your head in pain. And called the student who was bullying you out and followed after.

You peeked up from your desks to see students looking at you, not in disgusted faces, well not many, but they looked at you like you were eyesore of entire school.

You looked down again on to your table ignoring stares with your fist clenching the fabric of your skirt.

'There is nothing you can do... Just smile and ignore it..'.


It was the last period of school and the teacher wasn't present.

And so everyone used it as free period. Your classroom has always been a carefree one, so they don't worry too much about the rule rather than worry if anyone comes and reports them.

And today their silly shenanigans is related to playing and in the end, broke the heater for your class.

"Ah shit..." one cussed out lightly.

You watch the small group of five who played about circle aeouns the broken device.

"What do we do?" They asked among each other.

"How about we replace it?"

"Nah, too expensive, plus there isn't a exact match in storage sensei will sure notice..."

"We need this fixed, fast. Teacher will be back tomorrow!" They talked amongst themselves.

You looked back towards them. One of the students caught your gaze and whispered sonething to the others in which they all looked towards you.

You quickly faced away not wanting to be noticed but even so they still approached you.

"Hey Midoriya-chan.. " They greeted in a tone you are familiar with. Pride.

"Y-Yes?" Say not wanting to meet their gaze but had to in the end.

"I am sure you know how to fix this, right? I mean come on, the smartest student in class could know how in a second."

"But I am not—"

"Your quirkless." One spat getting on to the point. They slammed their hands on your desk making you flinch.

"If you do this, then we owe you one. Surely someday in the future, once we become heroes we will make sure to save you." They say.

"But as of now since you could basically do nothing, why not you help us become aspiring heroes without having probls with our reputation, or else.." With a light gulp you quickly nodded and they left with a smile.

"Good. Don't disappoint us, quirkless.."

Looking down at the wooden desk with clemching fists you held in spme tears as you kept your face hidden from the crowd.

'Heroes..' You thought bitterly.

'Heroes this, heroes that.. what is so great about heroes!?' You screamed in your head.

'That is just a title anyone can carry, there is no such as a hero..! Just someone who keeps it for the pleasure of rewards..!' The bell rang and everyone departed. The grouped looked at you to make sure you wont run away before leaving the door.

Time passed and it soon just you in the room. Taking out your cell you texted to Izuku you are going on an errand.

'I am sorry, Kukun... I just don't see heroes the way you do...... '

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