Chapter 14: Made Amends

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You guys may have already seen this coming...

You sighed as you drank water refreshing yourself from crying too much.

"One of these days you will be the end of me.." You whimpered making Izuku apologize again.

"But I am sure you are happy."

"What?" Izuku blinked in surprise.

"You were saved by your favorite hero..!" You say making him scratch the back of his head. "Oh yeah..!" He say lacking excitement you were expecting to hear.

"What's wrong?" You spoke.

"Was it not as what you dream it to be?" Izuku panicked at that and tried to say something but didn't know what to say without exploiting the No. 1 hero's secret.

"U-Um...! Well..." You aired a laugh at his struggle and pat his shoulder.

"Its okay, tell me later at home once I finished giving these to Kinzoku-sensei." You told him started to walk off.

"You better not get into anymore trouble on the way home, okay?" You teased him and gave a hug before you left him to himself.

"O-Okay..." Izuku trailed off watching you leave.

His eyes looked down on the pavement as he remembered the scared look on your face and how tightly you held on, as if he was about to disappear.

He felt his chest hurt as he remembers the pain latched on your voice and the tears that won't stop streaming down your cheeks.

He never wanted you to be like that. He wanted you to be happy and safe. Has he been making you suffer this whole time?

'I am so sorry, (Y/N)...!'.


You stretched your arms as you walked on home.

"I sure got a real scolding for being late.." You mutter exhaustedly as you started to head home. "I have to make sure I won't be so late next time..."

Stopping at a traffic light you noticed Katsuki wandering down the street in casual clothes and a bag full of grocery.

"Nekochi!" You called catching his attention.

Once the green man appeared you quickly made your way over to him. "Are you okay?" You asked.

He scowled lightly huffed. "And why the heck would you ask such a stupid question?" He say.

You slightly shrunk at his loud voice before you stubbornly spoke up.

"Isn't it normal for me to worry for my friend?"

"I thought you hated me." Katsuki scoffed looking away.

You blinked bewildered at his statement and crossed your arms.

"Why would I hate you?" You asked. "Oh I don't know, I thought it would be easy to be wiped from the face of the earth and you won't give two—" before he could continue you suddenly hugged him from behind.

Katsuki looked at your shaky form in surprise.

"How can you say that..?" You whimpered. "I almost thought I lost you...."

"But last time—"

"Idiot... " You cut him off looking into his eyes. "No matter how much of a pain you may be before, I never once hated you.." you sniffed.

He looked at you with softened eyes as you cupped his cheek.

"Is it okay to call you Nekochi?" Katsuki nodded in reply.

"Is it okay to call you my friend, again?" He nodded again.

"Is it okay to worry over you?" He nodded and with a bright smile you embraced your old friend tightly.

To the latter, it was heaven as he was able to hold you in his arms again.

Ever since his mistake, he wanted to find a way to makes things right with you again, but his pride never let him do it. And now he can, he doesn't want to mess it up ever again.


"I am home!" You call putting your shoes away.

"Welcome home dear!" You mother greeted.

With a smile you walked in and spotted Izuku on the couch with a rather happy look on his face.

Noticing your presence he sat up. " (Y-Y/N)..!"

You tilted your head in confusion. "What happened on your way home?" You went straight to the point.

Looking around he gestured you to come over so you took a seat next to him. He cupped your ear and whispered into it.

"I met All Might—"

"Huh?! Really?!" You shout in surprise making him panic.

"Ssh!!" He say making you apologize. "And you know what he told me?" Izuku looked over to you with a bright smile.

"What did he tell you?"

"I can become a hero..." an excited smile bloomed on your lips as Izuku smile into a daze remembering what else All Might told him.

[Flashback Start]

Izuku looked at All Might with a expression of awe and overwhelming joy.

"Though..." He snapped out at All Might is his skinny form added.

"I suggest it should be fair you apologize to your sibling..." He advised. "What hurts more than any attack from a villain is hurting the one closest to you."

"I am sure, your sibling is upset for your reckless act, even if in the end it turned out okay."

Izuku looked down in slight guilt before nodding to the man before him. "Right..!"

[Flashback End]

" (Y/N)..." Izuku started earning your full attention.


"I am sorry.." He spoke. You blinked in surprise and before you could ask him what he meant he continued.

"I am sorry for scaring you, making you worried like that. When my feet moved all of a sudden, I disregard the dangers and the pain I may have bright with me if things went down  the wrong way..." Izuku say gripping the fabric of his pants.


"You were always there for me, worrying for me and taking care of me when I failed to do so for you so many times.."

"I am really sorry.." He say bowing to your deeply. "I am so so sorry.."

You looked at him in surprise before smiling. You made him sit up and you pulled him to a hug.

Izuku didn't waste any time and hug your back burying his nose into your hair for comfort.

"All I ask you to do is stay safe.." you say.

"I will live with this pain, because I want you to pursue to what you want to be..." You say resting you head in the nape of his neck.

"Kukun... Go and be the best hero the world has ever seen..!"

Izuku felt tears pool at the corners of his eyes as he tried to hold back a sob. "R-Right..!"

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