Chapter 48: Company

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You looked at your brother in surprise as he came home from school. Today was his examination, so you knew he got that pain from the exams, but you also know that recovery girl was the school nurse there. So why is he still in pain?

"Izuku.." You call poking his back resulting in a rather large flinch.

"Y-Yes (Y/N)!?" He yelped.

You sighed in amusement while he apologized for shouting. "Hey, why are you skittish around me?" You childishly complain in a joking manner but your brother nervously smiled. 'Its because I don't know for sure if your are angry at me or not...' He'd dare not say letting you tease him.

He didn't mind since it was a good sign. It meant that your day went well. "Hey do you want some tea? Mom is still out, so I thought of making dinner for tonight." You chatter in bliss at the thhought of food.

A memory of your late sensei crying at his empty wallet brought a bittersweet feeling that you brushed off before you got too emotional.

"Oh, yes please." Izuku stood up leading the way to the kitchen. "...and if you don't mind, maybe I can help cook?"

You put a finger to your chin in thought before grinning at him. "Sure!" When you said that single word you didn't think you'd regret it.

"Hey wait! You almost put the sugar instead of salt!"

"That's not how you mix the food Izuku!"

"Don't always put the fire at max! Somewhere in the medium is already fine!"

"You spilled some of the chopped ingredients on the stove top..."

"Use a cloth if you want to hold the handles of the pot!"

"Goodness! Have training made you a worse cook...?" You sighed as you slump back into your chair by the —finally—set table. Izuku was trembling in anxiety at your posture, worried if he had angered you, but when he heard you laugh his worries diminished. "How are you supposed to be a good husband if you can't cook?"

That took him by surprise. "H-Husband!?" He yelp.

"Yeah!" You exclaim sitting back up. "Come on Izuku! You are a teen! You gotta start having crushes by now..." You told him which earned you a flustered red face.

"(Y-Y/N)..! I have to worry about my studies first..!" Izuku explained laugh again. "I know, but still..." You trailed of making him nervous.

You were deep in thought for the passed second, making Izuku gitter. He have no idea what to start a conversation with, you both barely have anything in common! Izuku took a deep breath and determinedly looked at you. 'She is your sister, talk to her! She is your sister, talk to her!' he chanted again and again in his mind.

"Hey (Y/N), I have a question..." He started gaining your attention. "What is it?" You say absent-mindedly.

Thinking again if this was the right choice of words, he build himself some courage before speaking. "What do you do in your work?" He ask. You took more than a second to process his words and another few seconds more on how to reply to him. "You really want to know?" You ask.

'W-What do you mean by that!?' he flinched at your choice of words. You basically made it sound like a big deal! You hummed to yourself in thought and spoke "No one has asked me that before... Well proabaly because not many know about it." You mused.

"But since someone finally asked, guess I could tell you." Making yourself comfortable, Izuku followed because it looked like you have a lot too say. "You see the company I work with specializes in—"

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