Chapter 51: Drunkards in a Bar

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"I am dying inside!~ Maybe someday I will... DIEEEEE!!!!"

"cRan IT yoUe fAking son of a bAtcH!!!!"

"Mommy, I need an avocado!"

"Illness... Germs... They're everywhere..."

"I have one eye... Why do I have only one eye???? I want FIFTEEN!!!"

"Why does he not love meee????"

"Fuck you!!"

"Yes please!"

You stared at this monstrosity of a group supposedly called your personal protectors, your entourage but just looking at them at this state right now is enough to make you facepalm. Facepalm out of shame, out of frustration, out of whatever lingering patience. Just thrown out the window like a large rock that Kawanokuchi would use to attempt murder Hosshin.

'I am supposed to be the one who's gonna be drunk! All the stress of being old guy's successor gave me, is killing me! Give me a drink, damn it!!' You grumpily thought downing another mocha hoping the coffee chocolate mix can send you crashing after your sugar high.

"Lady (Y/N), is everything alright?" You looked to the side and squinted your eyes at the brightly smiling pale-blonde haired young female.

"Oh Uku, I forgot you and Noroi don't drink..." You smile apologetically at the woman and her fiancee.

Uku is a 17-year-old young lady with pale blonde hair and closed eyes that hid lavender irises. Next to her was her fiancee of an arranged marriage, Noroi, a green skin ogre with sharp lower fangs poking out of his lower lip and dark pupil eyes that held annoyance towards the group of drunkards. Mindlessly taking in sinful amounts liquor as if they can never get enough of it.

"Even Tamashī is drinking..." Noroi mutter in a disappointed tone.

The thought of a 9-year-old drinking sickens the man. Despite the said child transforming into a rugged 30-year-old to drink his stress away, Noroi never liked it since he knows Tamashī is just a boy.

"He is older than we realize, but I do feel sorry for him... Kawanokuchi didn't even wait for him to change and just down that beer in his mouth." Uku softly says with a frown sipping tea as delicately as an English maiden from London, where she was educated in a boarding school throughout her entire childhood.

"I wish she had done that to me instead..." You pout making Noroi bang his hand on the bar, the three of you sat by, and march in front of you. He eyed you like a strict dad and crosses his arms. "Say no such words! You are forbidden to drink any alcohol for your entire life!!" Growled the male with venom as he stresses the word so much distaste it was like poison in his mouth.

"Huh?" You blink at his bold actions with amusement, just tired from the events from earlier, but then smirked with an idea and leaned back.

"Sure thing, kiddo~"

Blood rushes to his cheeks making his green skin twinge blue. Standing at a height of 156 cm while you stood at 164 cm. He started with still astonishment. No one. No one ever dares to call the 19-year-old man, a kid.

"What did you call me!?" He barked at the top of his lungs only ever resulting to make you laugh.

"Master! I urge you with the prayers of Chikau! To take your words back before I throw karma at your face!" Noroi exclaims trying his hardest to keep his cool even though his short temper was revealed by his action of breaking the tall glass in his hand.

Despite his deepest respects for you, Noroi is forever your victim of amusement.

"Noroi, M'lady, please... Let's not make any more trouble. The bartender would have a headache..." Uku softly tried to ease which worked, but you ignored her too happy to give up now.

"Don't worry, babie boi, your cute mad face will be my remedy--"

"Aaaaagggghhh!!!" Noroi let out a battle cry of your anguish before tackling you off your high stool and through a couple of tables before crashing through the door. Leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

This, in turn, riled up the drunkards in the room who all started to brawl.

"..." Uku, now with wide-open eyes, stare at the people before her before she looked over to the paper bag bartender with pity. The bartender let out a sigh of exhaustion as he traveled to the end of the bar to pick up a broom and readied himself to press a peculiar button.

In a matter of minutes, large men came into the wrecked bar, severed the conflict between the gang and escorted each individual to their respected quarters.

"Oh my, not again..." Uku placed a hand to her cheek as she followed after one of the large men who held her rampaging husband in their metal arms. It was sadly the only way to transport these powerful people without any consequences of broken arms or legs... Or spine... Or hip... Or the loss of any fingers... Or toes.


"I'm home!" You joyfully cheer closing the front door and putting away your shoes.

"Welcome home, (Y/N)! You are just in time for dinner!" Inko beam with happiness. Happy that her daughter is home earlier than she used to be. You sniff the air and let out a hum "Hmm! Katsudon, I can smell it from here. It's making me darn hungrier than I already am!"

You say making your mum giggle from the accent you often like to mimic.

"Good, now hurry and clean yourself. Or it'll get cold." She waged her wooden spoon urging her daughter to the rooms to change.

"Yes, ma'am!"

Without any protest, you made your way to your room. Even though you work almost daily and nightly in the beloved company of your teacher, you have always refused to move in there. Despite its feeling of home, you just can't bear to leave your mother here all alone and only to return at a limited amount of time with long durations of absence in-between.

It's childish you have to admit but you aren't ready to go without her. She was the only one who stayed with you through a lot even if she doesn't know some stuffs, she supported you and you really don't want to disappoint her.

Opening your door you looked around the room and noticed how... Foreign it feels.

What was going on? You aren't gone that long but looking at the nostalgic room it feels so wrong to be here. And yet this was yours for the longest of times. 'Maybe I am stressing myself out too much...' You pondered before hearing a knock on your door.

"Ugh... What is it again Gensui? Don't you know its already late fo--" you opened the door to see a surprised Izuku. Remembering what you have just said you felt a twinge of red burst onto your smooth (s/c) cheeks.

"...s-sis?" He questioned at your unusual response making you clear your throat. "S-Sorry, I was just used to one my coworkers knocking on my door and bothering me..." You nervously laugh closing your bedroom door behind you. "Is dinner ready?"

"N-No.. I just found out you were home so I just came to greet you..."

You blinked at his reason before you let out a short hum. "D-Did I do something wrong?" Your brother worriedly asks sweating a bit.

You shook your head to relieve him from his concerns but the troubled look on your face didn't go away. "What's wrong?" He stuttered out careful with his words hoping nig to anger you. You observed this and frowned deeply "This feels off for me... I gotta go.." Not giving him a chance to reply you retreat into your room closing hour door behind you.

Izuku could only wonder in confusion at your action but he sighed in defeat and went back to his room.

On the other side of your door, you were having a slight break down. 'This feels wrong... This feels weird...' You paced back and forth trying to wrap your head around what was going on.

'I...' You squeezed your eyes shut trying to reject the ringing in your head as you curled in a fetus position.

'..I feel... like I don't belong here...'

[A/M]: I am baack!~ Bear with me guys I am a bit discombobulated from being away for a long while. But I have some motivation in me rn! Might not be much but I am trying, there has been a lot going on in my head... And a lot of ideas that aren't for this... 😓 But I will try and not leave such a long wait for the next chapter!

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