Chapter 41: Sick; Found Out

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Katsuki held the bottle of medication in his hand looking at you pointedly. Fidgeting nervously you avoided his eyes looking down to your feet. Seeing signs of your stubbornness once again, Katsuki sighed and lowered his arms looping one around your shoulder and lead you out of the crowd.

During the walk you couldn't bare looking into his eyes or anywhere on him at the matter, keeping your head forward or to the side.

Soon you observed that you two were no longer in the busy streets but in a silent playground with a few children playing around. You both sat at swings trapped in your own set of thoughts. 'How careless I truly am...' you thought as felt your shoulders slump in exhaustion.

"What do you need this for?" Katsuki started right of the bat, not wanting to make your mood worse by pointing out how visibly tired out you already appeared.

"Pains..." You meekly replied not looking up.

'No shit...' The boy thought annoyed as he continue to stare at you wanting a clear answer. But knowing how timid you are with 'bothering' other people he decided to try a different approach.

You on the other hand are thinking of various excuses to make for any incoming questions that Katsuki may try to ask. Like "I know these are for pain but why"... "What are you not telling me?"... Meow... "What happened during your work?" .... Meeeow.... "Is somebody....hurting..." .......MEEEEOOWW.....

"K-Katsuki, w-what are you doing??" You leaned away as he placed his head next to yours loudly imitating the sound of a grumpy cat.

Not answering your question he continued "Meeeeeoooooowww!!!!!!"

"Katsuki, what are even--"


"Okay..! Okay..! I'll talk!" You laughed as he continued pushing his head against your shoulder even if you were off the swing. "Really?"

"No." You giggled knabbing the medicine from him and slowly edge away as the boy stayed dangerously quiet. Without a word he stood up, making you flinch cautiously. "3..."

Squeaking you made a dash as Katsuki stared at you with a scarily serious face while he counted down like a bomb. "... 2..." Katsuki got into a sprinting position and by then you were already around the corner of the street. "...1."


Katsuki panted heavily as he sat down the warm air of the sunset kiss his skin while he rested. In victory he smirked looking at the medicine in his hand. "Can't get away from me.." He spoke highly with a cackle.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it... Now get off me!" You yell hitting the ground with your fist with Katsuki's weight supported entirely by you. Looking away from the bottle's instructions he looked at you with a raised brow. "You kidding me? I just chased you down 3 fucking streets, there is no way I am doing any of that shit again." He stuck his tongue out at you making you grumble.

"How about this..." He started making you finally look at him with slight interest. "If you tell me everything 'bout this bottle, why you need and since when, then I will consider getting off." Katsuki bargained shaking the medicine temptingly.

"Hmm... sounds interesting..." You say with a finger to your chin. "Are you serious?"

"No." You pushed Katsuki off with a smirk and reached for the medicine, this time Katsuki grabbed your arm and held you to him with your back against his chest. "H-Hey..!" You whined struggling in his hold.

"You always keep doing this and its frustrating, Buns!" Katsuki say making you go quiet, this told him to continue. "Not calling me by your special nickname, keeping secrets, you are not even acting like yourself at all!"

"Of course I am not!" You yelled hearing your voice crack.

"I always get hurt if I act like my normal self and I don't want to keep getting hurt every time!" You weeped falling against Katsuki as your knees feel weak.

Speaking through rough breaths and chokes of sobs you looked at him. "Aside from my brother, you were the one person I was always able to rely on.. to open up to, but since then... I don't know if I can even trust you."

Katsuki's hold around slowly weaken allowing you to turn to him with a broken face. "It's hard to get over our fights.. how you lied to me multiple times.. the fact that you took my trust for granted..." you hiccup, covering your face feeling embarrassed to cry so dramatically in front of the blonde.

"Please... Just let me go home..." You begged not looking at him.

Katsuki watched you with wide eyes as guilt clung on to his very soul and pride, was this what you have been carrying for so long about him? Did he really hurt you more than he could ever realize? After knowing this, he couldn't just let it go as if he couldn't do anything about it... he had to make it right.

With a sigh, he gently pull your hands away from your face and wiped your tears with his jacket's sleeve, with the softest voice he could ever must —and cringe by— he looked into your eyes.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered softly to you, the completely opposite volume you always known him to speak by. "I messed up really fucking bad and I can't make you forget about it... but, if you will let me. I will promise to pay back for it..."

'And I will start by being the one you can let your anger, sadness and pain out to...'

[In the Present Time]

Walking back to the classroom Shōto couldn't stop thinking about what Katsuki had revealed to him. '(Y/N) is sick...'

It was like the bug that would never go away, but he didn't want it to. For he kept it as a reminder as to how much pain you must be and how much more pain you must be experiencing because of him. Despite his unnatural discomfort with the fact that Katsuki was the first one to know between the two. He was very glad that the blonde did spill it to him if by accident or not.

Cause now he knows to be more careful with you... Oh.

That's right, he hurt you... There is no way you would want to be anywhere near a monster like him. And with everything, the league of villains, the incoming field training, his left side.... his mom.

With all this going on, how can he apologize while guaranteeing your safety around him. He already caused enough pain, he doesn't want to inflict anymore on you and burden you with maybe the thought of him seeing you as your brother.

He understands perfectly on why and how it can hurt your feelings greatly.

Shōto never had a proper friend before... despite him not bothering with many things that aren't useful to him. You mean a lot to him, that he simply cannot ignore or let go.

'...That weird feeling again...' Shōto clucthed his uniform on the area over his heart and stood still for a second to make ouut what it was but it disappeared before he could event identify it.

He hummed in confusion before getting back to his thoughts. 'I must get things straight before I can apologize to (Y/N)......' and again he stopped suddenly.

'It's there again..... oh wait its gone..'

And the cycle continued for a couple more rounds.... Oh clueless Shōto.

"Achoo!" You sneezed making your mother, next to you, jumped with worry.

"Oh dear, are you alright, sweety?" Inko worriedly ask. "Nah its fine mom, I just feel cold..." You laughed it off in which she did not let it slide easily and buried you under 6 blankets.

"O-Or it could just be someone talking about m-me..! M-Mom.. wai-!"

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