Chapter 38: It'll be okay

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You exit the clinic with a smile before dropping it when the door shut.

You let out a heavy sigh leaning against the wall next to the door before pushing off staggering away from the clinic only to bump into Katsuki.

"Nekochi.." You greeted with a small smile.

"What happened?"

You blinked in surprise as he suddenly spoke but aired an amused chuckle. "Nothing gets pass you."

"Damn right about that." He replied making you lightly laugh which made him frown in annoyance. "Oi, brat I am serious."

"Hi Serious, I am (Y/N)!" You giggles mischievously making the blonde stare at you blankly.

"1...2..." Out of the blue he started to count which would have been confusing for anyone but you knew exactly what he meant.

"Now Katsuki let's think rational.." You nervous chuckled backing away.

"Too bad, I am the definition of rational, buns." Smirking devilishly Katsuki charged after you as you both ran down the hall.


"Big sis.. I thought you were supposed to be more matured than me..." Tamashī sweat dropped as he wiped your face with a damp cloth.

With a giddy smile you simply shrugged before taking the cloth to continue cleaning your face from the cinders. "Well, it has been a while since I acted like a kid." You say happily.

"Master, can I put down the act now? Acting like a normal person is so boring and lame.." Gensui asked from the driver seat of a silver automobile with you and Tamashī at the back.

"You were a natural out there, Gensui." Tamashī grinned leaning back into his seat.

"I was worried that both of you would start going on a havoc." You teased.

"Whaa? Pssh! Master, you know that was all too tempting, you sly thing are always out for revenge." Gensui pouted slumping in his seat as you and Tamashī both chuckled at his antics.

"That's what you get for stealing MY food." You threatened with a very scary smile that made a chill run down the dark head's spine.

"Master you are so mean.. That is what I always admire about you!~" Gensui gushed making Tamashī hit the back of his head.

"You wanna go you piece of-"

"I almost missed your 'normal' personality... But anyway you are starting to be annoying creepy." Tamashī insulted while watching them you chuckled before staring out the tinted windows of the car.

"So big sis..." Tamashī stared unsurely. "How did it go..?"

Taking in a few moments of silence you sighed and gave a weak smile to them. "Well, I think we sorted out the previous problem we had." You admitted.

"And earlier...? I was, forgive me, expecting you to lose it get into another fight with him.." Gensui remarked allowing you to sigh to it.

"There's no point fighting over it." You trace your fingers through you hair.

"I just told him to tell me next time so I won't die from shock.."

Hearing this Gensui gasped sharply quickly hitting a brake at the red light. "You are gonna die!?" He whimpered.

The force threw Tamashī forward, you were able to catch yourself, groaning he hit Gensui again. "Its a figure of speech!!!" He yelled making the male whine childishly.

"Well, it would have been so hypocritical of you to tell him to stop keeping secrets.."

You looked at Gensui in silence before looking out in realization. "It would, wouldn't it..?" You murmured to yourself.

"Where to now?"



"I am home!" You announced taking off your shoes and walked into the general room, where you found your mother with many boxes of tissues.

"M-Mom..!?" You gasp in shock as she barrel in to you hugging you close and started asking a million questions regarding your brother.

"Is Izuku okay!? What happened to his injuries!? How long has this been happening!? How on earth did he get such a strong quirk!? And I had mother for not even noticing this!?"

She robbed out while clutching your cardigan for emotional support. With a nervous smile you started to calm your mother down.

"He is alright, mom. All his injuries are all healed now!" You assured allowing the woman to have some sense of relief.

"A-Are you sure..?"

You nodded in response. "They have a nurse who can heal as good as new." Inko sighed in relief hearing back to the couch making room for you to take place.

"Is he really fine?" She asked yet again.

"He is alright, mom, I also visited to make sure.." Patiently you rubbed her back as she continue to blow her nose. "B-But what happens if this happens again!? All that blood.. Its too scary to even watch!" She screamed sobbing massively.

"Mom, we gotta believe that Izuku will find a way to be a hero while not hurting himself.."

"I-I know b-but..!" She wailed.


"Is..." She suddenly started catching you by surprise when she turns to you. "Is it wrong for me to say... That I regret wishing for Izuku have a chance to gain his quirk?"

The tension in the room thicken as you stared at her with surprised eyes, but Inko held her gaze locked with your desperate for your answer. Snapping out you look down thought. 'So its not just me, huh?'

"Mom..." You spoke earning her attention. "Its not wrong, you are just worried about him.. And besides, I feel the same too, sometimes."

Bringing your mother into a gender hug you let her sob into your shoulder as you stroke her hair.

"It'll be alright mom.. I will make sure to keep on eye on him..."


When your mother asked that well awaited question your face couldn't help but harden as it was hidden away from your mother's sights.

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