Chapter 13: The Sludge Incident

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The bell rang signaling the students that classes are over.

After giving the last minute assignments the teacher left the room leaving the class to pack up.

You stretched yourself a bit before excitedly packing your stuffs.

You walked over to Izuku who was looking at his phone. "What's that Kukun?" You asked taking a peek.

"Ah, well the incident from this morning's on the top pages." He say showing you.

"Oh wow, they sure work fast!" You remarked.

"At least we got front row seats..!" You say happily making him nod.

"Anyway, Kukun.." You start pulling your phone out. "Kinzoku-sensei is asking me to pick up some errands, today."

"Oh really?" Izuku smiled seeing you being so passionate of something.

"Yeah, I'll see you at home, okay?"

"Sure! Stay safe."

"I was gonna tell you that..!" You teased making him laugh nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Bye big brother!" Izuku lightly blushed at the tittle as it made him feel warm inside and happy.

Walking out you passed by Katsuki and his mates, a quick eye contact between you two before he moved on. You stopped as you see him entering the classroom.

You hesitantly turned before deciding against it and walked on.


"Hmm... And let's see what's next..." You mutter to yourself as you checked the list and the materials you had already gathered.

You were walking down the street when suddenly a explosion occurred by the street you just passed making you and a few people turn in shock.

"Oh.. Maybe Kukun will be there.." You thought as you walked to the street where a crowd was now starting to form.

"Kukun..!" You call but it was so noisy you were sure no one heard you, pushing through the crowd you made it to the front where it was already being held back by police.

But your eyes widen at the destruction before you. "What is going on..?" You say to yourself.

Focusing your eyesight you spotted the center of all the damage.

A slimy villain was shooting explosions left and right, out of control. You had to stay back with all the other citizens so you won't get in the way of the heroes. The Tatuooin Shopping District is destroyed with people running away from the explosions.

Smoke started forming bigger puffs as buildings start to crumble and fall.

"So much destruction.." you mumbled watching three heroes finally arrived to handle the situation.

You watch as Death Arms charged up but couldn't land a solid hit on the villain and was pushed back.

As the smoke cleared a little your eyes widen finding about the hostage that the villain had.


You stared in shock and worry as your friend struggled to detach himself from the villain.

"I won't let a sewer man like you swallow me up!" Was all your ears was able to pick up as explosions erupt creating gusts of wind with powerful force.

"Nekochi..!" You called out of worry but you couldn't move forward as the police told you to stay back.

As for right now, you had no choice but to leave it to the heroes.

"What is that thing? Could he be a Super villain!?" A man asked.

"She's here! The rookie hero Mt. Lady!" The crowd cheered.

You watched as the large hero run up to the street but stopped because off the tight space of the street. "Wait. I need at least two lanes to do this..!" She exclaimed.

You clenched your fist in worry as you watch the heroes around you unable to do anything.

They all were at a disadvantage, being unable to touch the villain none the less even save Katsuki you clasped a hand over your mouth trying to hold back your tears.

'I want to help...' You hopelessly thought. 'I wanted to help so bad..! B-But what could I do against something like that!?'.

"Hey, this isn't looking good.."

"You can do it heroes!"

The crowd behind you encourage but you knew that without a quirk that can defeat the villain what they have is just false hope.

'Someone save him...' You prayed. 'Please..! Someone!'.


You gasped as you felt someone pass by you. And seeing who it was it almost made you move too.

"Kukun!!" You yelled trying to run to him but you were caught by a police he tried to hold you back.

Izuku dashed down the street as terrified as can be but still pursued.

The villain tried to attack but he threw his back making the villain double back.

Izuku tried to claw his way to Katsuki but he couldn't though it didn't stop him.

"Kukun!!" You reached for him.

"Stand back its dangerous..!" The police say but you weren't listening.

"No, he's my brother..! Kukun!!!" You yelled as Izuku dashed towards the villain that held Katsuki.

A certain someone at the back heard. And just as the villain raised a hand to attack some or the heroes charged to rescue him from the incoming attack but were too far.

"Get out of my way!!"

"He'll die in vain! It's suicide!"

"Big brother!!!!"

Explosions erupt making you hitch your breath in worry. But as the dust cleared you gasp in surprise as you saw the hero your brother always fan over, stopped the blow from hitting him.

"Its All Might..!" The crowd cheered.

Pulling his arm back All Might attacked.

"Detroit.. Smash!!!!"

A massive force was released as the hero punch the villain. You covered your face to protect it from debris as the heroes and police shielded the citizens.

As the gust died down you immediately looked up and tried to peek over the heroes shoulder for your brother.

"Kukun..." You whispered as it started to rain.

"Did he make it rain with only his right fist?!"


"This is truly All Might!"

The crowd cheered but you paid no mind and continued to looked through to spot your brother.

After that, the police were able to gather the scattered slime safely. The paparazzi had arrived and the rest of the authorities were then doing their work.

You pushed pass the crowd and immediately made your way to your brother.

"Good grief, You're too reckless!" The two heroes scolded "There was no need to put yourself in danger at all!"

Before they could say more Izuku was tackled by you from behind who immediately went into tears.

"Kukun you idiot!" You sobbed as he looked you over her shoulder. Your arms were wrapped around his shoulders hugging him firmly enough to know he is safe.

"Y-You know how worried I was?!" You cried as he tried to calm you down.

From just meters away being commend the other heroes. Katsuki looked over at your sobbing form.

He slightly felt his heart clench before looking away.

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