The Absurd Valentine Blessing: Origins of the Harem

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Inspired by a Youtube Video of Love and Destiny (I don't know the title so if one of you know, can you tell me? Cause I can't find it.) [Warning: there are some info like names where I had researched and could be inaccurate, please refrain from seeing this as an actual fact since these are just derived from the originals. So if I am wrong do correct me.]

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

Looking over the love-struck couples who walked down the street of the city, a blonde man watching the world off the edge of a tall company building smiled brightly as he swang his legs in a merrily way. On the large screen that advertises many programs and items. There is blazed with bright colors of pink and red.

"Happy Valentines Day! Buy now special edition items for your love ones today!"

It said causing the male in the white toga out to hum with interest. His wings flapping at his delightful attitude, "What a superb deal!" he remarked watching the special Valentine products to flash over the screen But disturbing his time of quiet and peace, scoffed a deeper but reserved sounding voice. "What are you doing here, Cupid? This isn't your country."

Gaining annoyed look the blonde, Cupid, looked back to the dark-haired handsome male who held a cherry blossom branch in one hand. "You say that, but you are well far from your place as well, Musubi."

Ignoring his first statement, Musubi did not spare him a glance and looked down at the citizens of the modern era, trying to hide his smile as couples stood under trees of cherry blossoms celebrating the day of love like lovers. "What a match..." He mutters to himself unintentionally gaining support from Cupid who didn't deny the cute looking couples that pass by the street.

"Are you kidding me?" In comes a thrid voice, who's words dripped of disgust as he made himself known to the other two personifications of love, "They aren't destined for each other, why swoon over a couple that is not meant to be?"

"Yuè Lǎo, if they're happy then leave them at that!" Cupid defended at the Chinese god who walked to get a clearer view of the landscape the other two were staring at. Now confused and annoyed, Musubi looked between the two and crossed his arms. "Okay, seeing Cupid here on Valentine's Day is fine-- but Yuè Lǎo what are you doing here? I thought you were a god of marriage."

"Its Valentines Day," he replied in a 'matter of fact' tone. "Do you know that it is a popular day for people to propose or get married?"

"True--" Cupid huffed "but you specialize with, 'Destined lovers' and often break people apart if their partner is not the destined one! So many happy couples end up in tears because of you!"

"I have done nothing of the sort!" Yuè Lǎo angrily barked offended by the accusation "And it's not my fault couples are in tears, they should have been in relationships with the people who they're meant to be with from the start!"

Musubi sighed and jumped in between the two. "Okay enough," he said seeming to act like the mature one of the trio but in truth was offended with the statement of his Chinese counterpart since he actually witnessed any couples confessing under the cherry blossoms who aren't tied by Yuè Lǎo red string of fate and still lasted for years as a happy couple.

"Look its Valentines. Let's just ignore the fact that all three of us are here and do our jobs." Yuè Lǎo scoffed at Musubi's hard attempt to be composed but didn't fight, instead commenting under his breath; "I am the one doing a proper job. You children are just matchmaking people who were never meant to be."


"TAKE THAT BACK ASSHOLE!!!!" Taking out his bow and arrow, and following Cupid, raising his branch. Both Musubi and Cupid lunged for Yuè Lǎo who turns seconds before they all came crashing down, taking out a long red string to catch the assault of the other two.

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