Chapter 40: Sick

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(A/M: Just so you won't get confuse, This was after the death of ol' papa sensei. The first signs of symptoms of the sickness Katsuki revealed last chapter.)

Staring out the window you found yourself in another sleepless night with only paper works and books to relieve you of boredom.

You let out a tired sigh as you decided to head to the kitchen for an early hot drink. The apartment was dead silent, which was understandable since it was like basically 4 in the morning, you slowly started to notice how much sleep you have been losing since 'that' night and your arguement  with your brother days ago only added up to your stress.

Exhausted to the bone you sat on the couch as you waited for the thermos to heat up the water for your awaiting hot drink. You a hand through your green tresses staring at the blank Tv debating if you should pass the time by watching any upcoming or  late night news.

"What is gonna happen now?" you spoke to yourself out loud despite there was no one around who can listen you.

Your mind couldn't help but wander to the letter and offer of Gensui, your late sensei's 'butler'... who is also an assistant/ lawyer... Talk about multitasking.

But despite how persuasive the dark haired male can be, you can't help but feel sketchy about this whole thing. You were told by your teacher himself to be weary of people till you are sure you can trust them fully, that said he meant that you would be able to manipulate them if they try to backstab you.

Before your thoughts could wander any further a light 'ding' sounded from the counter signalling that your hot water is warm.

'Finally, it was getting cold..' You praise finally fixing up your drink just the way you liked it.

But when your lips touch the water you pulled away with wide eyes with a yelp generated fro your throat in surprise. "H-Hot..!" You exclaimed placing your burnt tongue under cold water, but then flinch back as thee pain increased when you touched the ice cold liquid.

"What the hell?" You hissed with a hand over your mouth.

Checking the temperature you set for the thermos at, you were surprised that it was set to the temperature on how you usually drink it by, yet why did it feel hotter than usual?

And the water... it usually is just the same temperature since yesterday as it always was. 'I must be just stressed...' You though before sitting down on the stool by the counter. But every cold surface your skin touched almost felt like a slight burn or sting to you.

This was making you nervous as you never experienced this before... You just wanna know what exactly is going on!


"Good morning, master!~" Gensui greeted coming in to your office, with droopy eyes your returned his greeting with a smile. "Have you stayed up all night again?" He questioned worried by which you quickly dismissed.

"No, I got a 5 second sleep." You informed him jokingly continuing your work.

Thae young adult could only stare at you with scrunched brows before he silently exited, the moment he did was only then you slumped in your seat.

Dressed in at least 2 layers of long sleeves, despite the heater being on, you haven't felt like yourself in weeks. For some reason the cold felt like needles to your skin and the warm felt like your are being burnt by fire, with a sudden imbalance of temperature could end up with you being pain.

''Just a minor set back.." You tried to tell yourself not wanting your mother to know, since she already has Izuku to worry about.

But before you can continue the door was smashed open causing to raise your hands out of instinct. "Nana!?" You squeaked as the elder lady walked up to you with a stern gaze with her one visible eye. "We are going to the doctor." She practically ordered in a strict voice making you shrink into your chair.

"Y-Yes ma'am..."

Lucky for you that the company owns a hospital, so you won't have to worry about the info getting to your mom. What you are worried now is the scary woman in the room with along with Gensui and a male doctor. All three individuals are unique amongst each other but what caught your attention more was Nana.

Nana never did reveal her real name to you, or to anybody to be honest. The only ones who have a chance of knowing that are probably one of the earliest workers of the entire enterprise. The woman had maroon hair with flowers and vines sticking out of her locks along with a flower that grew over her right eye. She wasn't that short to say as she is just only inches shorter than you-- okay maybe she is kinda short..

While the doctor who's name was Kenkō has dark blue hair and shiny grey eyes, which you can presume is where his quirk lies.

"Well from what I can see here.. you aren't sick.." The man started who was quickly cut off by Gensui.

"Not sick? What do you mean by that!?"

"Shut it you!~" Nana glared at Gensui with a bitter sweet tone making both him, and you in the process, flinch. "Y-Yes ma'am!" he squeaked hiding behind your form making the woman sigh and turn to the doctor who continued like nothing happen.

"You aren't sick.. by a virus. But your symptoms are quite interesting as some are usually present during an illness by virus. For now I will research as best as I can if there are any similar cases somewhere else, but for now all we can do is deal with your pain and lack of sleep." The doctor started looking apologetically to the trio.

"For now use pain relievers that I have prescribed here and try to get some sleep, make sure to not get too stress or the lack of sleep will increase and may trigger another symptom."

You only nodded meekly as the doctor spoke and before you knew it the three of you were out of the building ready to go back.

Parting from the two, who are heading back to the antique shop, you bid goodbye and watch them leave before you looked down at the small paper bag of medications. 'What a mess...' You thought bitterly as embarked home. You thought that because Sanji personally chose you meant that you could handle anything with ease, but you overestimated your capabilities and pushed to far, now all your worried is if this will have a permanent effect on you and your health.

Because of how deep in thought you were, you carelessly bumped against people in a busy street, quickly apologizing everytime you accidentally hit someone you were desperate to get out of the enclosed space only to be stopped by two hands on your shoulder which sent you on edge accidentally dropping the medicines.

"Oi calm down!" You gasp as the person spoke with a very familiar tone, looking up you found Katsuki's face in view which gave an air of relief only for it to diminished as he picked up the medications you dropped.

"Since when do you take in pain killers?"

Horror struck your eyes as he looked at you with serious ones, this is truly a mess indeed...

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