Chapter 27: USJ incident

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In the silence of night, a shadow looked over the roofs of buildings like an owl. There eyes looked at the apartment complex with longing eyes.

"We must get going.." A voice spoke behind the shadow earning their attention.

"Patience Sebastian.." They told the tall man who's eyes glare at them brightly in the dark.

"All will be fine... Besides, the night is long.. And there is so much work to do.."


<"—And reports are coming in of an increasing amount of arrests as many of the feared smugglers of Japan have been caught, claiming all of the artifacts that had been in their storage for some time–">

"Agh.. Time..." You yawned sleepily as you sat on the couch with a mug of coffee in hand. The television continued on it useless batter as your mother entered the room.

"Good morning (Y/N)!" She chirped earning a soft reply from you.

"Are you okay? Are you not feeling well? Why not I get you some tea?" Your mother panicked at your tired form.

"Nah, its not a big problem mom. Last night was really a bad night, I couldn't sleep properly!" You say taking another sip.

"Oh? Didn't your fellow workmen called you last night about a problem?" She asked preparing to cook food.

"Well they did, but then they called again saying they could handle it.." Another yawn escaped your lips.

You and your mom talked more after that, mostly her being worried for your brother since it was his first day today. And in a couple of minutes the food was done and your brother entered the room.

"Morning..." He greeted still in his pajamas.

"Looks like someone was having a blissful sleep." You comment over your shoulder.

"Ah, not really, I was so nervous that I was shaking in my sleep..!" Izuku remarked in which you contrasted.

"Nah, you were asleep like a lamb, you forgot to close your door so that's how I knew..." You deadpan sipping the cup.

With brows furrowed at your attitude he turned to ask you what was wrong only to he reminded food was ready. "Right, (Y/N) are you gonna eat too?"

"I'll eat later, I am on a day off anyway." You sharply replied causing him to lightly flinch.

'What did I do now??' He panicked in his head worried over what he did to make you hold a grumpy look on your face.

But with his brain crowding with speculations, yours drifted hazily.

'I must be so sleepy to easily snap like that...' You thoughtfully commented as you finished your drink.

"I am gonna go back to sleep." You suddenly declared standing up.

"But what about breakfast?" Inko asked.

"I will eat later, I don't have any appetite right now..." You mumbled dumping the access coffee particles down the drain and started hearing towards your room.


Already dressed in his new uniform Izuku excitedly prepared his stuffs and closed the door of his room. Just right across his was your room which was closed.

Contemplating whether or not to check on you based from your mood earlier he was about to just continue but he rethought about and entered your room leaving his bag in the hall.

"What do you want?" Izuku jumped in shock not expecting you to be awake.

You slowly sat up from your bed with a frustrated expression on your face as you sighed. "Sis?" Izuku questioned sitting at the edge of your bed watching you curl up.

"I really can't sleep..." You mutter in to the blankets sadly.

"How come you get to sleep so well?" You complained rubbing your face to release a bit of frustration. Izuku looked down thoughtfully and began to pet your head earning a confused look from you.

"What are you doing?" You asked your brother as he continued his gesture.

"When we were younger, you also had sleeping problems, so you I always pet your head so you could go to sleep." He explained as he also pulled the blankets over your shoulder.

"Izuku I am not.. a... child... any... more..." You slowly trailed off while your eyes began to close. And in was worth a week of trying, was done in only a few seconds.

Making sure that you were properly tucked her left you with a smile on his face. "Sleep well, sis.."

As quietly as he could, he crept out of your room closing the door softly and left for the front door. And just as he left you open your eyes with a silence look.

"Why do you always look so bright when it comes to heroes? Its just a waste of time..." You mutter slowly going back to sleep.


In only a matter of three days, the fourth day in the morning brought not so pleasant news.

That day,  was supposed to be like any other, after your work and signing of paperwork, supervising some projects and making sure things went smoothly. You would home expecting a nice relaxing time in your comfy bed.

That was until you fell upon the news. <"There has been a report of an attack at the famous school UA, yesterday. A group of villains had attacked a first year class, class A, and only one villain was said to be captured.">

Right after that, you stopped hearing as you stared in shock at the Tv in your office.

Your advisor, an old woman in her 60's, looked over to you worriedly but held a look of understanding as she let you go home early.

You couldn't think straight and so you though it was best not to argue. Heading straight for home you directly barged into Izuku's room surprising him off his bed.

"(Y/N)..!" He yelped as you stood over him with a irritated look.

"Uh... Is something wrong.."

"When were you gonna tell me?" You asked him in a monotone which made the boy nervously sweat.

"So you heard from the news.." Your brother muttered nervously as he stood up to not meeting your gaze.

"Did mom already know?" You asked in which he but his lip. Unable to properly say a word he nodded his head. Clenching your fist your face turned red with distaste.

"So you waited until the news told me that my brother have been potentially killed?" Hearing that Izuku panicked.

"W-What..!? No.. I wanted to tell you  since I got back... b-but I was worried it would make you hate heroes more.."

"So despite having your life or even my trust in you at risk, you thought about the heroes first!?" You yelled angrily.

"N-No..! I-I..!" Izuku looked at you trying to explain, but he couldn't because it was true. He didn't tell you because and he stayed silent.

And his silence left a disappointment ache in your chest.

"(Y/N).... Izuku... Is everything all right? I heard shouting..." Inko leaked through the opened door with brown furrowed with worry.

With a tired sigh you turned away. Smiling falsely at your mom to ease her worry.

"Its nothing too serious mom! I was just super worried... I am just glad Izuku is okay from yesterday..!" You say before accusing yourself to your room leaving the house quiet as Izuku looked down shamefully.

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