Part 7: Shook

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Y/N P.O.V:

During the train ride me and Alice both took a nap because we knew we'd have a busy day.

We had agreed with the guys that we would meet 3 days before the concert so we could hang out for a bit and so we could get to know the area a bit better.

Alice had arranged for us to all stay in the same hotel so if anything happened we could all meet up easily and also for convenience sake since we were all hanging out.

We both got off the train after a two and a half hour trip and called for a taxi to take us to the hotel, luckily with all of bags and luggage safe - which was another fear of mine.

"You doing okay?" Alice asked me softly leading me over to the taxi that had just pulled up.

"Yep." I said simply not wanting to ruin her trip with my doubts.

I think the worse out come of this trip other than the obvious thing is the fear that I will ruin it for the people around me which is the last thing I want.

I can't help but to think about how the guys will react when we meet or how we will.

Like to me it could all so easily go south which is the last thing I want since I appreciate them all as people.

The drive to the hotel was okay, I mainly spent my time looking out of the car window with sad music playing in my ear - feeling like I was the main character from some drama or some sad music video - as Alice spoke to driver casually.

The car slowly was coming to a stop and I could feel Alice nudging my arm.

I pulled my headphones out turning to look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Where here!" She said excitedly before shaking my arm and saying "Are you ready?"

"I'm as ready as i'll ever be." I said having to stop myself from saying lol out loud which was a bad habit of mine - it's super embarrassing when I do.

Alice payed the taxi drive saving me from having to say anything but "thank you" and "see ya" politely.

"I'm nervous." Alice said breathing out taking in the sight of the 4 star hotel in front of us.

"Don't think about it, we're here now." I said sighing out of exhaustion from my nerves.

"I think this will be good." She said proudly before turning to me and holding her hand out.

"You ready to go in?" She asked me already grabbing my hand knowing that I would try and avoid entering for as long as I could.

"Let's do it."

We walked into the door and were met with a long red carpet over imitation marble floors which led to the main desk which was located in a circle under the middle of the large stair case - with 2 corridors going to either side of the room.

Honestly I can tell why the ratings were so good.

This place had me shook, literally.

"This place is so pretty, definitely the best place I've stayed down here." Alice mumbled in awe.

"Let's book into our rooms and drop our stuff off before looking around." I said trying to think practically and trying not to get too caught up in the moment - which was a struggle.

We went up to the front desk together and took our bags to our joint room.

The room had plain white walls with a giant window on the far wall which has red, velvet curtains tied to the sides - which were able to be closed.

The beds were both double bed decorated with cream covers and red pillows.

There was a on suit bath room with both a shower and a tub, as well as a weirdly placed sitting area to the other side of the room which had a mini kitchen in it.

We both went off on our own too look at the room before both meeting and facing each other.

"I'm shook." we both said in unison before both breaking the moment of silence with laughter.

Stanned - Yoongi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now