Part 14: Crush?

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Y/N P.O.V:

Yoongi and Taehyung ended up leaving after eating since it was getting late leaving me and Alice alone.

We both decided it would be best to get a early night which would end up being late because we always end up talking but the only thing different this time is that we were both in shock leaving us in silence.




Of course we would also both speak at the same time.

"You go first-" Alice said quickly.

"No, no you go first." I insisted back.

We both sat up in the dark room looking at each other.

"So today was a thing." Alice said looking down shyly.

"What was it like to meet your ultimate bias and bias wrecker?" I asked her watching as her faced turned bright red.

"It-it was g-good, I-I guess..." She said shyly.

"So you're not completely screaming on the inside, fangirling?" I asked her before letting out a giggle.

Alice jumped out of her bed and jumped on me hugging me.

"I can't believe all that just happened, it's so ahhhh." She said before screaming both of us laughing.

"So what did you think of them in person? I don't think they are that different to who they are online." I said smiling.

"They're the same except they have more confidence, the reactions are the same like how Yoongi got flustered when we said he had to hug you and how Tae fanboyed. It was nice too see them still be down to earth with us..." She mumbled off.

"WAIT." Alice shouted a little too loud.

"Shhh we're in a hotel with other people in the next room. You can't just yell they might be trying to sleep." I reasoned getting a very quiet "Sorry." back.

"Not that quiet I can barely here you." I said before laughing.

"Okay. Okay. So we left you and Yoongi alone and when we came back in he was falling asleep on you and it looked so cute and I know how you have a huge crush on him from the band so like... give me the details." She said quickly before squealing a little.

"Well you left, he said I was warm so I started to get up and he pulled me back down hugging me tighter. Then he mumbled a few more things and you guys came back." I said blushing.

"Like what? What did he say?" Alice said looking at me dead in the eye's wanting more information.

"Something about liking me and-"

"AND!" Alice said suddenly and loudly.

"Well...before that he called me a baby..." I said getting slightly annoyed at the insult he claimed not to be a insult.

Clearly he was half asleep and just trying to cover for himself, right?

When he said I was his baby he didn't mean it, i'm sure of it...

"Oh my god Y/N he was trying to flirt with you." Alice said excitedly.

"Now... did he say he likes you or that he REALLY likes you?" She asked emphasizing the really.

"He said he really likes me not like it matters, he was half asleep anyways." I said defensively feeling all the blood rushing to my face.

"Ahhhh even cuter, he won't have realized he confessed. So cute." She said smiling.

"Confess what? that we are friends?" I asked trying not to make eye contact knowing exactly what she was hinting at.

"You know exactly what I mean." She said rolling her eyes dramatically.

"I have no clue." I said innocently.

"He likes you, likes you." She said bluntly.

"I don't believe it."

"Why won't you believe it? it's like every fans dream come true."

"Because he's him and i'm me." I said back.

"And your both crushing on each other. And he likes you for you and I know you like him for him because I know you and you were low key crushing on him online."

"Shhhhhhh." I said back blushing.

"Well it's true so tell him."




"Y/N I know you'll regret not telling him." She said in a tune.

"It's not worth messing up a new friendship over." I said quietly.

"We've been talking to them for over a year now Y/N... They aren't new friends and me and Tae both agree you and Yoongi are more than friends. We've seen both of you message each other and the innocent smiles on your faces."

"Fine... I like him but I ain't telling him." I said back hesitantly.

"Fine at least you accept it." Alice said huffing.

"You know what I just realized." I said looking up at Alice trying to change the conversation.

"What?" She asked not looking up.

"If Tae and Yoongi are here for the concert that means the rest of the band will be too." I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"You mean... we're under the same RoOf As BTS." She said excitedly.

"Yep all seven members, and we're friends with two."

"I. Think. I'm. Gonna. Pass. Out."

"Don't pass out. Uh do you want me to get something sugary for you." I said slightly panicked.

"Nononono. I'll be fine. Just fangirling to much." She said lying down on my bed.

"Okay then just try and go to sleep and we can talk to Tae and Yoongi tomorrow." I said lying down next to her.

"Night Y/N~" She said happily before going asleep.

"Good night."

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