Chapter 20: A Lesson In Family History

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CHAPTER 20: A Lesson In Family History

After dropping off Sam and Mel, my thoughts turned to Demetri. We were at a stand-still, more or less. I didn't know what to say when I saw him and for some weird reason just 'hi' seemed too informal. Then again, what else is there to say?

Eventually I got home and dropped my school bag onto the floor of my room. Demetri wasn't there so I decided to start my homework. I couldn't afford to fall any further behind, especially with exams coming up soon. After an hour or so I took a break and made my self a dinner of Mac & Cheese. I studied some more and when I finally felt like screaming, I decided to take a shower. I half wondered when Demetri would show up, not much longer until sunset.

When I walked back into my room, feeling refreshed, there was a note scrawled in elegant handwriting tucked under a pen on my desk. I noted with vague amusement that it had been written in the same pen Demetri had been randomly twirling the second time I met him.


I told you I'd meet you, go to the clearing in the woods, where we first met. Bring this note, I promise I'll meet you there. -Demetri

Of course, I sighed and pulled on some clothing, not really paying attention. I grabbed my car keys and my cell phone out of my bag, still sitting on the floor, and stuffed them in my pocket. Getting my favourite leather jacket, I headed out to my car.


The sun was just setting as I entered the woods. The twilight reminded me eerily of my dream. I shuddered and sped up towards my destination. Too late, I saw the tree route and tripped. Clumsy me. I thought as the light in my brain started to flicker. My head had hit the ground hard. I could just see in the distance a silhouette of a guy, black against the blood-red sky.

"Demetri?" but the name died out on my lips, long before it was said.


I woke up lying on a floor. Now I was on my back as opposed to my stomach so I knew I wasn't where I'd fallen. I could hear a soft singing sound somewhere to my left. Slowly and painfully I turned my head.

She was there.

The girl with the dark ringlets whose stomach looked like it'd been attacked by a vey angry cheese grater. Looking at her, her face seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it and my mind was too muddled to search through.

The singing stopped as the girl realized I was awake. Her blue eyes looked at my blue-green ones. "Faye? You aren't supposed to be awake yet..." She frowned for a moment and then looked like she remembered something important and smiled again. "It's good you're awake."

"You were... stomach..." I struggled with the words.

"I'm the girl from your dream and yes my stomach was hurt." I realized her stomach was wrapped in red bandages. I nearly giggled hysterically at that. She was wearing a crop top cut just above her bandages.

"You... who?... Are-?" I tried to think up the right words but was cut off by a distinctly familiar, male voice.

"Anna?" it asked. Apparently the girl was Anna because she responded.

"She's just getting up Dem," Anna said, looking at him.

"Dem?" I murmured, confused. My brain was still fuzzy but Anna managed to answer my question.

"Demetri." Even in my state the name sent electricity down my spine. Through the static of my mind I managed to be nervous but, as I did mention, my brain was fuzzy and I couldn't figure out why I was nervous.

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