Chapter 3

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"Hanna! Beer!" Richard's voice came from the living room and I rolled my eyes. I wanted to nap when I had gotten home, but I realised that I couldn't, when I had a family like this.

Making my way into the living room, I carried the tray towards Richard, giving him his beer before making my way towards Debra.

"Your tea." I said politely, but it hit upon deaf ears. Debra merely took the tea out of the tray, her small round eyes never leaving the screen. Her brown hair was wrapped up in tight curls and her chubby body was encased in a light blue silk gown, in which her huge breasts could be seen protruding out. She rested the tea cup on the rounded surface of her stomach before ushering me away in a 'shooing' manner.

Lastly, I made my way to Sierra. Her brown hair was in a ballet dancer-style bun and she wore an oversized hoodie. She turned to me with a small smirk on her freckled face.

I came over to her and handed her the lemonade glass, before wedging the tray between my arm and side. I moved towards the kitchen but Sierra's voice rang out.

"Ice?" She asked simply and I nodded, resisting the urge to throw the tray at her pretty face.

She drank a bit through the straw before looking towards me.

"I hope Mommy informed you that I have somewhere to go tomorrow, so I can't take Zug Zug to his vet appointment. It's at 2, in the afternoon. Don't be late." She explained, a smug look settling onto her face.

I wanted to argue against it, telling her I had a seminar at that time. I knew, she knew I had a seminar at that time. My schedule was the same every week. I wanted to argue against it, but I didn't have the energy to. I was feeling tired and sick of it, so I merely nodded and bid a good night before retiring to my bedroom. Besides, taking Zug Zug to the vets would be a good excuse to not come in and see Drake. Or, anyone, for that matter.

I cringed at the thought of what had happened just a few hours ago in University. I didn't want to go back and, if it was my choice, I would stay in bed for the rest of my life, despite it's mucky appearance.

Sierra had gotten the biggest room, stating that it was only appropriate, seeing she had more belongings. Richard and Debra had gotten the second biggest room which left me with the small room at the end of the hallway. I didn't mind though. It made me feel far from the rest of them and I felt content, in the safety of my bed, creating worlds of my own.

I sighed heavily, the sound of the T.V. and Debra's hacking laughter could still be heard, but I felt better knowing that her concentration was not on me. With those thoughts, I got ready for bed, excited for the dreams that awaited.



All that could be heard from the distance was the sound of my laboured breathing, my chest rising and falling dramatically.

I was crouched down in the bushes, hiding from something. I didn't know what I was hiding from, but I just knew that it was very vital to not be seen as it would prove dire.

I grimaced at the dull ache I felt in my legs from the way I was crouching and moved slightly to ease the pain. My eyes peered over the bushes to check if the surroundings were safe, but all that could be seen for miles was darkness as it stretched across the forlorn lands.

The moisture of the grass below had my thighs wet to the touch, but despite that, I felt warm inside. And, no, it wasn't the delightful warmth you feel when nestled next to a fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. It was a dreadful warmth. The feeling can only be likened to that when you are caught cheating and you feel the rush of warmth touch your cheeks.

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