Chapter 34

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"Don't be silly, Hanna! No, they haven't." Ayla let out before sticking her tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes at this before nudging her in the stomach.

"Oh great! The girl who just stuck her tongue out is telling me not to be 'silly'. I wonder if her opinion counts?" I drawled sarcastically, letting out a small laugh when Ayla nudged me back, a huff leaving her lips.

"Oh, but come on, Hanna! Man on the moon? Impossible." She said in a matter-of-fact tone before looking to the sky, her eyes squinted due to the setting sun as we sat outside on a reed mat in the courtyard.

"Besides, why would they want to go there?" She continued, a thoughtful look in her eyes and I turned my gaze to the sky with a shrug.

"Perhaps, they wanted to see life from a more beautiful angle." Arun spoke suddenly with a soft sigh, his head rested against Ayla's lap as he leaned his book on his chest. I smiled at his words.

"Is that to say life isn't beautiful right here, Arun?" I asked jokingly to which Arun tilted his head to look at me, a wilful look in his cat-like eyes that glimmered like emeralds.

"There's no beauty in chaos." He replied almost poetically and I pursed my lips, thinking deeply about his words. It was Ayla who broke the silence, leaning down and pulling at one of his golden strands. He let out a a small yelp as she tugged roughly.

"No beauty, huh?! You're forgetting that I live here and not on the moon, so I suggest you think before you say such nonsensical things!" She said roughly and I grabbed Arun by the shoulders, pulling him off Ayla's lap and towards me.

He edged closer to me subconsciously, touching his 'precious' hair in a panicked manner before turning to Ayla with a glare.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." He said hurriedly before getting up, almost as if he knew that Ayla would hurt him again. She stepped after him with an angered snarl as he all but galloped behind the fountain.

"Wait till I get my hands on you! Tell him, Hanna!" She shouted, turning to me as she circled around the fountain. Arun moved at the same speed, making sure that they were both constantly on opposite ends of the fountain. I laughed at their antics before getting up and looking to Arun sternly. Ayla watched expectantly as I cleared my throat, folding my arms.

"Now, Arun, you should know better." I began, looking as Ayla nodded before continuing.

"If we want to call Ayla hideous, you know we have to wait until after she's left the room." I finished, letting out an amused shriek as Ayla ran towards me. I ran towards Arun then as he grabbed hold of my hand and we ran around the fountain, Ayla following behind.

"You're both dead!" She shouted from behind us and I let out a breathless laugh as I ran. I could feel the stitches building from running and laughing too much, but couldn't find myself to care. Arun yanked me to the left as we barrelled our way through the corridors.

"Quick before the hag catches us!" He let out in a sing-song voice to which I laughed when hearing Ayla let out a small scream at his words.

Looking back at Ayla, I lost sight of where I was going until I bumped into a hard figure. Arun let out a small whimper as we toppled into each other and a heaving tangled mess on the floor.

I looked up hurriedly and breathlessly then to apologise, but stopped short when my eyes fell on Maya who didn't even spare us a look. Standing up clumsily, I turned to look at her, a look of concern on my face.

"Maya? What is it?" I asked to which she turned to me, her jaw clenched as she gestured to the office doors of Negus.

"Listen." She said and I turned my head head as Ayla came to a halt behind us and it was only when her heavy breathing calmed down that I could hear the sound of escalated voices, making Arun sigh deeply beside me.

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