Chapter 19

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S. A. A


"Masks?" Maya let out bitterly and we all turned to her, except Negus who held the object in his hand whilst looking out the window. Maya tutted loudly.

"We're warriors, father. And, you expect us to hide our faces under masks? Why should we give in to such otherworldly nonsense?" She bit out and Emut sighed heavily, his hand on the hilt of his sword, purely out of habit.

"It gives us the element of surprise, Maya. If the Chigaru do turn up, we look like regular villagers." He explained and Abrax handed out the masks to everyone. I took mine with a small smile.

Maya laughed scornfully at this.

"Oh and I suppose that's why I have to wear a dress as well. How ridiculous!" She huffed and Ayla tutted beside me, most likely annoyed at the tangent.

"Perhaps, seeing you in a dress would be enough to scare the Chigaru off." Demir clipped back and Maya glared at him.

"I designed the clothes; it'll be fine, Maya!" Arun whined, holding a bag full of clothes. She sighed at this, but seemingly conceded as she didn't say anything else. All the while, Negus observed, saying nothing. I had noticed this earlier also. Of all the times there was a meeting, Negus never chose to intervene or argue in any discussions. He merely let it play out and let the group decide what they wanted to do.

Emut leaned forward on the table that we were surrounding. We were currently in Negus's study, looking at a map of the village.

"Arun, hand out everyone's attire for the festival. Abrax, go through the contingency plan." He instructed and Arun smiled excitedly before reaching into the bag and handing out the contents to everyone. He finally came in front of me, handing me my clothes and I smiled in thanks before tucking it to my side as I listened intently.

Abrax cleared his throat before leaning against the table, a serious look in his eyes.

"This is what we're going to do...."


"How are you doing your hair tomorrow?" Ayla asked from her seat in front of my vanity set. She eyed me through the mirror as she spoke whilst I tapped my hair dry from the shower I just had. Raising an eyebrow at her words, I sat on the bed.

"You realise we might be ambushed tomorrow and you're thinking about hair styles?" I mused jokingly and Ayla let out a small huff of a noise before standing up and dropping down dramatically on the bed beside me.

"A festival's still a festival. And, I want to look pretty for the occasion." She whined, flicking her blonde hair back for effect. I laughed as she crawled up the bed to lie on a cushion alongside me.

Ayla and I had both planned to 'sleep over' in my room at some point and had decided that the day before the festival would be best, so we could help each other get ready in the morning. I looked towards the bundle of burgundy clothes draped across the chair.

"I don't usually wear dresses." I commented mindlessly. I would have loved to, but I was always made to wear whatever Debra had shoved my way, most likely Sierra's old clothes.

Ayla smiled at this, nudging me and I lied down beside her, turning to face her.

"Nor do I. It's not ideal for fighting." She joked and I laughed at her words.

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