Chapter 11

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Water fountain in courtyard.

A/N: Make sure to read the end announcement.

S. A. A


"Woah, loosen your grip, Hanna. The bow's not going anywhere." Ayla joked from the side and I spared her a mock glare before returning my eyes to the task at hand. I exhaled deeply, eyeing the target set out just a mere few yards ahead of me. Closing my left eye, I stilled for a few moments, putting my utmost concentration into my actions. Slowly, I released my hold, watching intently as the arrow flailed through the air towards its destination.


I sighed in frustration, hanging the bow back on the shelf. Ayla chuckled slightly to herself, sitting up from where she was sat.

"It's okay, Hanna, it's only been a half hour. Trust me when I say you'll get better." She comforted, dusting off her legs and I nodded gently at her words.

It was yesterday when I had ran to the cave in what seemed like an emotional breakdown yet all remained blissfully unaware. Well, all but Demir and neither of us had mentioned the events of yesterday. I sighed, thinking about the weight of my decision. I had decided to stay in Aaru and, in turn, to not go back home. The things I was giving up in this decision were too dear to think about, but I didn't know why I had made the decision that I did. A shameful part of me knew I had done it to feel significant. Back at home, I didn't exactly feel as though I was a vital part for anyone's survival, much less mine. But, here, I felt wanted. I scoffed internally at my thoughts. Clearly, I was important for one reason and for one reason only- the damned prophecy.

"So, where's Emut? Not that I don't love hanging out, but isn't he meant to be training you?" Ayla questioned, looking around and I followed suit. We were the only occupants in the big hall right now and I felt somewhat thankful that I didn't have to see Maya right now, after what happened. I grabbed the small towel from the side and patted it against my forehead.

"Negus needed him for something important. He told me to make do without him today." I explained and she nodded at my words. The memory of his words stayed fresh in my mind. Following the small subtle disagreement we had gotten into yesterday, I was still a little on edge with him. Of course, he greeted me with a warm welcome which reinforced what had been running through my head all night. The concern or friendliness that anyone extended to me here was only limited to what they believed I could do for them. Emut had apologised for not being able to train me and I had given a clipped 'okay' in response. At this, he had sighed deeply before making his way down the hall.

"Where's everyone else?" I questioned curiously, sitting down on a bench. I smiled when Ayla came and sat beside me. She leaned her head on my shoulder before speaking.

"You know the village we saved yesterday?" She let out, a tired tone to her voice. I nodded at her words, laughing when her head also moved as she was resting on me. She whined at this, nudging me to stay still.

"Well, it's actually made up a group of very small villages and is called the Penta Province. It's nearly the time of celebration for the Wag festival but, after what happened, the villagers are in fear. That's why we're going there to help. There's never been a year where it has gone uncelebrated and that's not gonna happen this year. Everyone's readying supplies to take to the village." She explained, a yawn escaping her mouth as she spoke and my eyebrows furrowed at her words.

"What's the Wag festival?" I questioned and I noticed the spark that lit Ayla's blue eyes as she spoke.

"Wag- it's a festival for the deceased. We do it to honour their journey to the afterlife." She said, standing up and pulling me up by the hand. She moved us towards the door and I smiled at her words.

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