Chapter 17

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S. A. A


I wiped away at the sweat on my forehead as I placed an oil lamp against the sill before looking down with a pointed smile.

"You realise, you don't have to hold onto the ladder anymore. I'm fine." I said, but Faridha's grip didn't loosen and she shook her head, an admonishing look on her face.

"Nonsense! And, what if you fall? I won't have it." She scolded me and I laughed before getting down slowly. Slapping my hands together, I looked around at our work.

"Well, that was the last of it!" I said happily, turning to Faridha with a smile.

"Hanna! Khala! It's time for lunch!" Ayla called, peeping her head out from the dining hall with a large grin. She waited as we walked over.

"How did it go?" She asked while Faridha excused herself off into the kitchen.

I nodded, smiling when Ayla linked her arm through mine.

"Tiring but good. How did your day go?" I asked and she groaned loudly.

"Don't even get me started! I was helping in the kitchen today and I feel like I have a permanent layer of sweat that I'm gonna need you to peel off when we get home." I fake retched at her words.

"I thought snakes shed by themselves and here you are needing my help. How strange." I commented jokingly, stroking my chin in thought and Ayla snorted before slapping my arm.

We routinely made our way to our table that we sat at yesterday.

"Hanna! Hanna!" Arun's voice rang out as I neared the table. I made sure to avoid the burning glare that Maya was sending me as I seated myself next to Arun, sending him a smile. Ayla settled herself down next to me before sending Arun a scowl.

"I'm here too, you know." She huffed out, but the look on her face was playful.

Arun waved his hand exaggeratedly, dismissing her words before brushing his golden locks back with a flick of his hand.

"I need someone's perspective who won't needlessly criticise me." He explained, sticking his tongue out at her before turning to me and shoving a parchment in my face.

I peered down cautiously at the parchment, slightly taken back at the drawing. It was of a girl, holding a small hand knife, her back only showing. She was stood on what seemed to be a hill, her hair flowing out behind her like a raging river. She towered over the people, her hand up in cheer.

I turned to Arun, smiling at his hopeful look.

"It's beautiful, Arun. You drew this?" I questioned, my eyes turning back to the drawing. He nodded gently, letting out a sigh of relief.

Ayla scoffed before pulling the parchment and giving it a once over.

"And why would you not want my perspective? I have such a good eye." She whined.

Maya laughed at this, ungracefully biting through a turkey leg.

"A good eye perhaps, but a brain is needed too." She remarked and Arun laughed at her words.

"If you had even half of either, you'd realise you're sitting in my seat."

Demir's stoic voice rang out as he stood over Maya. I looked behind to see Emut and Abrax walking leisurely to the table.

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