Chapter 77

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"Hanna, run!" Ayla screamed out before I could even turn to look and I slammed into emergency mode as I ran past through the crowds of people, Ayla hot on my tail. I felt my heart pattering against my chest and I moved as fast as my legs could carry me.

I halted abruptly when I heard the sound of Ayla giggle behind me, turning to see Abrax waving the firestick towards her face, making her let out a small squeal. Looking around, I rolled my eyes when the festivities continued and there was no danger present. Well, that is if you didn't count Ayla's version of danger which was Abrax waving a hareeq in her face.

"Abrax- stop!" She said between screams, trying to get away but he held her in place with her slender wrist, a laugh escaping his mouth causing his dimples to deepen. She leant away from his inflictions, her hair dangerously close to the firestick that was in her own hand and Abrax let go of her then.

"Ayla, don't do that." He instructed, but she took the opportunity to run away from him, giggling as she did so, the firestick still close to her hair.

"Ayla, you'll burn your hair!" He called out, following after her and I let out a giggle at their antics. Even more so, when I looked over to see Maya, Emut and Demir as they chased each other.

"Take this, you apes!" Maya shouted, a victorious glint in her eyes as she raised her hand to the stick in her hand and shot flames into it, making the sparkles pop and fizzle at a more violent rate. I stepped back at this slightly as did other villagers as they gazed in awe. Nevertheless, this didn't faze Emut and Demir in the slightest as they dodged her stabs and lunges. Demir jumped effortlessly over her form, his hair flopping slightly as he flicked the nape of her neck, making her let out an annoyed scream before turning to shower him with the afflictions of the firestick. He moved quickly with a laugh and she raised the stick towards him again, but Emut moved in fast, taking the firestick from her hand and leaving a small long twig in its place, making both boys laugh as she chased them.


I turned as Arun stuck the firestick towards my face, the heat so prominent, but I shook my head with a laugh before sticking my own hareeq towards him.

"No, but I recall how much you treasure your locks." I teased, putting the stick close to his golden hair and he let out a small yelp.

"Don't be jealous because my locks are better." He let out and I gaped at his words, going in for a full attack but he anticipated this before turning and galloping away from me. I let out a giggle at this, running after him and revelling in the feel of the wind in my hair. My dress fluttered behind me as I moved to him and I felt grateful that I had pinned the em down. I caught up to him easily, grabbing on to the hem of his lime-green tank top. He let out another yelp as I brought the stick close to him before nudging me and I stumbled back slightly into a toned form. Turning around, I glanced to the familiar redhead who looked to me with fury, but it wasn't directed to me.

"Hanna! Don't just stand around. Come help me end these scums!" She hauled me towards her with her arm before gesturing towards Emut and Demir who were now busy talking to each other, firesticks in hand. I nodded at her words, a playful look on my face.

"If you help me with the other scum." I wagered, gesturing to Arun who was now stood at a cautious distance, gazing over to me tepidly. Maya laughed at this, tapping my back rather harshly.

"Alas! At least someone has some sense about the male population!" She let out with a laugh and I rolled my eyes before gesturing to the boys.

"And, what can I do to help that you would fail to do?" I asked pointedly and Maya smiled, folding her arms.

"Easy enough, Hanna. You will play the distraction." She offered only this and my eyebrows furrowed at her words. I opened my mouth to ask further questions, but she nudged me forward with an arm, making me glare at her as I stumbled.

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