Chapter 75

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I placed the silver diadem onto my head, on top of my open hair that cascaded down my back in waves. It went well with the forest green leafy full-length dress that mirrored the curves of my form.

The Penta province had organised a celebration for the Festival of Epagomenae and had invited us as guests of honour due to our miraculous defeat of the fire bakenanouke. Although we had been thinking of turning our focus back onto the keys, we had all thought a break in our hectic schedule was direly needed, especially after all that had happened.

Today was the day of the birth of Osiris- the celebration of rebirth and, so, I wore green to symbolise this.

Placing the silver necklace on that Ayla had given me, I glanced briefly to the purple bruises on my wrist from the tight hold the Baken had on me. The very thought of the creature made me wince, even thinking about the sound of Maya's scream. It was something that would haunt me for many nights to come.

Along with that voice.

I shuddered at the thought of the chilling voice, even more when it spoke directly to me. It was as though a portion of my dark subconscious was trying to break through into the open. Despite the fear I felt at its presence, I couldn't help but feel somewhat grateful that it had been there. If not, then I would not have possessed the mental capacities of shielding. I let out a deep sigh at this before seating myself on the edge of the bed and putting on my sandals.

I had tried to use the shielding again, but to no avail. The nightmarish voice had disappeared and, with it, the ability. A few times yesterday, I had tried to imagine the old oak door, but I couldn't get it open as though it had been locked from the inside.

I shuddered at the thought before standing up and making my way to the bedside table and grabbing the worn-out leather book that Negus had given me. The ability I had used two nights ago had truly helped with the cause, but if I was unable to access it again then I would try better myself through other ways.

Divine words.

Negus had said that I had the power to bring words to life through my mere utterance yet I had been practicing for the last 4 months, but to no avail. Opening it, I looked to the words Isis had written.

A'max- Burn.

I sighed in frustration when I thought of the many times I had tried the word with no effect.

"Hanna! What are you doing?" Ayla said with a frown as she walked in, her parakeet-green mermaid dress fluttering behind her, making her look like Tinkerbell. Ignoring her question and focusing more on the sight before me, I smiled brightly.

"The better question would be to ask if there was a limit to your beauty?" I teased to which Ayla stopped frowning and smiled bashfully before waving her hand dismissively. Her blonde hair was half-up and half-down with golden wisps framing her delicate face.

"Oh, stop, Hanna! I thought I looked good until I came in and saw you!" She whined with a pout and I laughed before standing up and making my way to her.

"With the amount you butter me up, I'm surprised my name hasn't changed to toast.'" I joked with a laugh, but Ayla just frowned yet again, making me sigh dramatically.

"Just take my word it that the joke was hilarious." I added sourly and Ayla just rolled her eyes playfully before opening her mouth to speak, but the sound of my door flinging open made us turn and I looked to Maya.

Her clothes were an olive-green colour, but contrasted very much to that of mine and Ayla's. For one, she was wearing three-quarter pants that tightened at the shins and a leafy tank top that showed the tiniest strip of midriff.

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