Chapter 86

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At Maya's words, Emut looked down at the centre before surveying the surroundings. I followed suit, eyeing the various Chigaru soldiers around the area. The place was guarded and they, in a sense, had hostages. We'd have to be careful.

"We'll take advantage of the element of surprise we have." Emut spoke and we nodded, focusing in as he spoke, eager to know what to do to help these villagers.

"The plan?" Ayla squeaked out from beside me, her tepid gaze on the brawny soldiers and Emut followed suit before turning back to us with his steely gaze.

"Ayla, you stay here on upper ground and shoot down any immediate danger. Remember, we need to be discrete." He began and Ayla nodded firmly before he turned his gaze to Abrax and pointed towards the left side of our view.

"Abrax, take the left side and Maya the right. Close in from there to the centre and keep watch over the women and children. Remove any threats." He gestured to Maya at the end and they both nodded simultaneously before he turned his gaze to us.

I smiled slightly as his honey eyes landed on me. He looked at me for a moment or two before his gaze flitted to Demir.

"Demir, take the north side and take Hanna with you. Those male villagers will need healing. Remember, try to be as quiet as you can." He instructed and Demir looked to the north, a blank expression on his face.

"And you?" He simply asked to which Emut eyed the far side where a lot of the Chigaru were congregated.

"I'll handle the far side." He answered just as simply and that was that. Demir looked as though he would protest, but he just stood up and walked back to the stairwell, stopping slightly at the end and I realised he was waiting for me. I moved to get up as did the rest, but the feel of a warm grip against my arm made me halt and I looked to the familiar hazel eyes in question.

"He won't let you get hurt." Emut reassured himself more so than me and I smiled at his caring nature before raising an eyebrow.

"Well, that all depends on if I annoy him or not, so don't hold too much hope yet." I joked in an attempt to diffuse the solemn atmosphere. Emut smiled at my words, something I found that I had truly missed for the last few days before he gestured to the stairwell.

"Then, I won't keep you for too long. Demir isn't a man of patience." He joked back much to my relief, making me giggle and Emut's smile widened. I placed my free hand over his that was gripping my wrist, the smile still on my face.

"We can get through this." I reassured quietly so only he could hear and I knew that he could tell I wasn't just talking about this battle. He nodded, his hand squeezing slightly at my wrist before he let go and I took the action as a small farewell, making my way to the stairwell.

Demir had already moved down the stairwell by then, leaning against the bottom wall as I made my way down. At this point, he would have usually taunted or mocked me for my lateness, but such words never came and I watched as he walked silently towards our destination, expecting me to follow him. I did so somberly, seemingly missing his mocking nature. Often, it had gotten on my nerves and I would always bite back yet now our source of laughter had gone and only silence remained.

We waded through the housing, Demir surveying the area before gesturing me to follow and I complied, gazing around at the narrow alley we entered. It was slightly narrow so much so that it was grazing against Demir's broad shoulders, but not touching me. I kept my double sword in front of me as we walked, watching as Demir eyed the random shops we passed, an indistinct turmoil in his eyes. It's a look I quickly likened to when we had transported to Earth and I had eyed the familiar streets- a hint of nostalgia from a dark time. Although I knew, for Demir, it was probably worse. He had held the memories back behind a dam and now, coming back here, he was trying his hardest to keep it in place when it would have been best to let the water roam free. I knew then he couldn't do it alone so, despite my fear, I spoke.

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