The second motive

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*Time skip to the beginning of a new day*

My dream ended abruptly, as I was shaken back to reality. As I rose from a heavy slumber, I am first aware of the coolness of the air. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Slowly but surely, I pushed myself out of bed, letting my feet hit the cool, floor. As I was getting ready to start the day, the morning announcement turned on. I don't really care what the monokubs do or say but, one thing really stuck out to me.

"Anyways, we dropped off some presents in your rooms. Cower in fear! Cuz hell starts here!"

A present...? What does that mean? I looked over to the small coffee table in the corner of my room. Surprisingly, there was something on it. "When did this get here? It looks like a monopad, but it's not..." I muttered to myself as I inspected the weird object. It says 'Kubs Pad' on the back in fine prints. "This is probably one of Monokuma dirty motive... It might be best if I just ignore." I mumbled as I tossed the kubs pad back onto the coffee table.

After that, I blankly stared at the ceiling, until the intercom rang. "If it's kokichi, then go away..." I said as I faced away from the door. " It's Kaito Momota, Luminator of the Stars!" Is voice called out from the other side of the door. I opened the door a bit to see Kaito standing there. "Do you need anything, Kaito?'" I asked. Without warning, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my dorm room. "What the hell are you doing?!" I stuttered as he started to drag me towards the dining hall. "You're the last person we need to have before we start discussing our plans about the kubs pad. Now then, we don't want everyone else waiting so let's hurry up!" He in an angry tone. Kaito seem to be very upset, so I didn't say anything I just let him drag me to the dining hall. As we both entered the dining hall, everyone stared at us like we were Looney's on the side of the road. In the corner of my eye, I saw the one and only kokichi ouma but, he wasn't smirking like usual...

He seem to have a jealous expression on his face...

Before I could think much of it, my thoughts were cut in half when maki started talking, "So what is it? Why did you drag us here?" Her question was clearly directed towards Kaito. "Didn't I tell you? It's about the kubs pads. Monokuma gave us a new motive. We can't 'not' talk about it." He replied back to her. Maki replied, "That things that looks like another monopad? The was a motive?" Kirumi gave her a confused expression, before saying, "Maki, haven't you watched the video on the kubs pad yet?"

"No... I ignored it because I figured it was something stupid..." Maki said as she crossed her arms. At this point in the conversation, I started to space out and stare into the ceiling. I know what they were discussing was very important but, they weren't really getting to the point very quickly. When someone says something that actually matters, then I'll be listening. Before everything became really boring, The robot said something that actually mattered. "And that is precisely why we cannot exchange them. Although we do not know why our motives were mixed up... As long as we don't exchange them, we don't have to see our motives at all." At first thought, This plan seems really good. If we don't see our motives, we have no reason to kill each other...but, If we were to share each other's motives, a killing would be less likely to happen. If everyone knew each other's motives videos, It would become apparent who is most likely to kill or be killed. This could allow us to separate people, so a murder would not happen. Before I can tell everyone else what I was thinking, somebody cut me off...

"I'm against it...!"

Everyone, turn their heads in the direction of where the voice came from. It must have come from a male student because the voice was deep and sounded very manly. Without a surprise, The voice came from Ryoma. "If you see that video, it'll turn into a motive, right?" Shirogane asked In a confused tone. "That's why I want to see it." He coldly said as he placed his baby hand underneath his chin. Clearly, he didn't want motivation to kill anyone. He wanted motivation to live...

But, I don't think everyone understood that...

In the corner of my eye, I saw Kaito face turns red as a tomato. He was clearly upset with Ryoma opinion on the kubs pads. "You were saying something like that before... That you don't plan on surviving. It might not matter to you whether you get killed or not, but we're different! We all want to live! Wake up already! You're like some zombie wandering around with no will to live!" He seethed as he made his hand into a fist. Most of the people in the room shivered a bit at Kaito Words but, Ryoma just sat there and chuckled himself. "Hmph, if that's how you see me, then so be it. But, I've got no plans to change my opinion. That's just not cool." The two boys began bickering back and forth to each other. Everything became useless back and forth arguing. Soon, other people started joining in on their argument. They were pointlessly throwing words back and forth to each other. Nothing really caught my eye, until he said something...

"I think it'd be better if we didn't cooperate with each other. Actually, we definitely shouldn't cooperate with each other! Whenever we try to work together, Monokuma would retaliate with a plan to make us suffer. It happened when Kaede wanted us to Cooperate, and again with these motive videos. The more we try to cooperate, the more he'll try to make us suffer." Kokichi lilted

"You are saying that if we do not rally Together, we will not be made to suffer?" Kiruma Questioned when he was done finishing his long speech. It's because we're trying to cooperate that Monokuma is making us suffer? But what about everything we went through? What was the point of Kaede sacrificing herself? "Anyways, I'm warning you all for your sake. Let's just exchange motive videos instead of cooperating with each other." He sang in a sing-song voice. The whole group could not comprehend his messed up a logic. Kokichi Chatted a bit before leaving with gonta.

(Author's note: I'm sorry if there are a few errors in the chapter. I had to rush through this chapter because I have something important to do later and I didn't want to stall this chapter any longer. Again, I apologize for any mistakes. I hope you have a nice day!) 

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