Musical robot

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Quietly, I sat in my dorm room and continue to read the book that kokichi Stole from me, 2 days ago. As I was reading, I finally made it to chapter 30, the last chapter. I was so into the book that I didn't realize how badly I was shivering. I wasn't wrapped in any blankets or wearing a sweater, I was just freezing.

As I was reaching the last pages, I yawned and slowly came back to my senses. I realized how fucking cold it was, and Immediately put a piece of paper in my book to act as a bookmark. After doing that, I jumped onto my bed and wrapped myself inside of the velvet colored blanket. Engrossed in the heat blanket, My eyes became heavy as I laid my head down on the soft feather pillow. As I was about to fall asleep, the intercom in my room rang.

I sighed in frustration as I quickly untangle myself out of the blankets. As I unwrapped myself, I lost the feeling of warmth and comfort. Opening the door slowly, I stared through the gap between the door and the wall to see who was there. To my surprise, It was just kiibo. He was just standing right in front of my door.

As I was forming questions in my mind, kiibo interrupting me, "Hello (__)-chan, Would you like to hang out with me today?" I glanced upward, my mouth pursed but, slightly open and loose. "Why do you want to hang out with me...?" I questioned as I stared into the robot's Icy blue eyes. Kiibo stood there frozen as he watched my changing expression. His cheeks suddenly became pink like a spring rose, the blooming colour so cute. Slowly, he lifted up one of his metal arms and scratch the back of his head. As he did this, he avoided eye contact and muttered, "Well I would have spent time with Iruma-san but... She's acting very inappropriate, even more than usual."

"So you want to hang out with me instead?"

"Yes but, If you don't want to spend time with each other it's fine with me"

"No, No... I would love to hang out, I was just wondering why you would spend time with me when you're closer with Iruma."

After exchanging a few more words to each other, we decided to hang out in one of the abandoned classrooms. Kiibo Lean his back against the wall as I sat on top of one of the desk like a total Rebel. As we were chilling in the Classroom, we talk to each other for a little bit and let out a few giggles. In the middle of our conversation, a serious look appeared on kiibo. I was a little concerned about his expression changing. "(__)-chan, Can you teach me how to sing?" kiibo asked, Leaving closer to me as his blue eyes penetrated my own eyes. "Um... why do you want me to teach you how to sing, kiibo?" I asked in a nervous and curious voice.

"I want to launch a business that takes full advantage of my robot capabilities. That's why I want to become a popstar robot."

"A pop star? Why that?"

"I arrived at this decision after analyzing many options. The main that robots have yet to advance in the pop music genre."

"So you want me to teach you how to you can become a Popstar?"

"Yes...Singing is what they're mostly known for, right?"

Nodding my head, I pushed kebos head back a little bit making room between us. Slightly, a small smile appeared on my face as I stared back at the robotic cinnamon bun. "Okay, I'll teach you how to sing." I replied as I patted his head, avoiding his very large ahoge on the top of his head. After saying that, I $100 smile appeared on his face. His happiness was like a cloudless spring day; the kind of day when you don't notice the weather at all. The sky is blue, it isn't warm or cold and you've stopped noticing the delicate flowers that bloomed only a few weeks ago.

"The first step of singing is learning Proper Posture and Breathing. Correct posture is important for a singer to reach their full potential. Stand tall with one foot slightly in front of the other one and feet shoulder-width apart. Make sure that your chest is high to give room for your lungs to expand and contract. This allows you to breathe easily and reach maximum lung capacity, which equals better notes and phrases." I kindly explained, helping kiibo get into the right singing position. After he got into a comfortable position, I continued teaching him, "Alright, let's work on Technique and Vocal Exercises! Sing in your middle range, then low range, then high range, and back to the middle. Relax, then try again carefully. If you feel your voice begin to strain, stop and give yourself some time to rest."

Happily, he gave me an odd and open his mouth and started his warm up, "♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪ ~~ ♪ ~~ ♪ ~♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪ ~~ ♪ ~~ ♪ ~" Kiibo's expression while singing was so peaceful but, my brain was being fried! I felt like my insides were scrambling! I placed my hands over my ears as I held over in pain. When he finished his singing warm-ups, I was on the floor in pain. "What do you think,(__)-chan? It was pretty good, huh?" he Chirped as an innocent child like smile appeared on his face. Even though his singing was horrendous, I didn't want to hurt his feelings or crush his dreams. I stuttered, "Y-Yeah, it was truly amazing...!"

"You're such an amazing teacher, (__)-chan. Here, you deserve this for teaching me" kiibo rejoiced as he handed me a Indigo Hakama. If you do not know, a Hakama is a traditional Japanese clothing. This particular kind kind is made of high-quality cotton and used for martial arts. Wear it when it's time to spar. The more I stared at it, the more it reminded me of tenko. After he handed me the Hakama, he waves goodbye. Before he left the classroom, he Cheered, "Thank you for teaching me how to sing. I'm going to show everyone my amazing singing skills!" And with that, kiibo Left me alone inside the classroom. 

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