Little game

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I sighed, looking around the room slightly wishing I was back in my dorm room. Originally, I was chasing kokichi to retrieve my book back but, here I am, sitting across from kokichi. We both made an agreement; if I were to play a game with him, he would give me my book back.

Kokichi and I were sitting down at a table, with a chess board. "Let's play a game of chess, I'll go first!" he laughed joyfully as he moved to chest piece, "Go ahead, it's your turn" I gave him a deadpan stare as I glanced down at the board. To be completely honest, I had no idea how to play chess. Quietly, I glanced back up at him to see him crossing his arms. "Don't tell me you don't know to play? Only stupid people don't know how to," Kokichi chuckled as the words slipped out, "You must be stupid!"

I flinched, This guy who looks like an Innocent child, acts like a fucking demon. "Um... Y-You're right, I don't know how to play chess..." I nervously stammered out. He tilted his head to the right just slightly, continuing to give me a twisted smile. "Nee-heehee...You're such a big dummy, (__)-chan!" he crackled at me childishly, "Since you don't know how to play, how about we do a different game instead?"

"Ok... what other games do you want to play?" I muttered, a concerned and Fearful look appeared on my face as I stared at the violet haired child. "You'll see!" He laughed again, Putting his hand into his pocket and forcing something out. To my horror, he pulled out a box of Rare Cheesecake Pocky.

"What the hell, I thought that they discontinued that flavor!? How the hell do you have one!?" I said shocked, Leaning my body forward to look at the rare box of Pocky. He noticed my surprise the look and smirked. "I managed to buy myself one with a bunch of monocoins," He chirped, "but, that's not really important... We're going to play the Pocky game!"

As he said this, I was quick you respond to his horrible idea, "N-Never!" I yelled at him, Crossing my arms and facing the other direction. He let out a slight laugh as he reached over and grabbed my chin, tilting it towards him. "You want your book back, don't you?" He laughed joyfully, a wicked and twisted sound, "To get your book back, you need to play a game with me!" I felt his hand push my silky hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear softly. The action caused me to tense up.

Releasing my chin, He opened the box and pulled the Pocky out. He took a step toward me again and placed the covered end of the pocky into my mouth. Shortly after doing that, He placed the other half In his own mouth. Slowly, I took the first bite, a small bite. Kokichi then took the next bite, one bigger than mine. I took another bite, averting my eyes from him. A few more bites were taken, one after the other, and finally it came to kokichi as he took the final bite and Connected lips with me.

Closing his eyes, he immediately took over; his arms wrapping around my waist his lips moving with me. I felt my face heat up more and more as I tried to struggle against what was happening. The mad thumping made me want to pull away but, he held me in place. For someone with his body shape, he's impressively strong. In the end, kokichi she released me after a couple of Seconds and handed me back my book. 

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