Part 3-Shopping

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"Do we need this sis?",Yousif asks holding up a packet of kitchen towel which we do actually need.

I nod then pop it into the shopping trolley. Hasna comes over with 2 packet of menstruation pads and shaving cream and sticks then drops them into the trolley.

I get 12 packet tomatoe cans and place them in the trolley then some onions, 2 slice breads, 2 jams, butter, nutella, banana, strawberries, apples, corner crunch, 2 strawberry yoghurt and 1 banana yoghurt, 2 milks and bin bag.

"We done no- oh hell nah look who it is",Yousif whispers to himself while staring off towards the entrance of the Lidl. I follow his gaze and meet eyes with a pair of blue eyes. Wow. He's beautiful. Looks like s family, there's a man who looks around my age, another boy around Yousif's age, a girl around Hasna's age, then an aunty and uncle. The aunty had on a hijab, same color as mine. She is beautiful and she is also the one pushing  the trolley while the rest are busy talking to each other. Well except the other boy who seems to be glaring at Yousif. Well that's weird.

I look at Yousif who's also glaring at him. They reach the lane we're on and the aunty smiles.

"Asalam Alaykum beta",she greets me.

I smile and greet her in return.

"Walaykum Salam aunty".

"Yousif"the boy says with harshness in his tone.

"Ishaq",Yousif replies back with the same tone.

"Hey Hasna/ Hey Ayesha",the girls smile and hug each other..

Well damn.

I glance at the man who also looks towards me then smiles. Oh my God he smiled. He smiles at me. What do I do? He sm-

"Sis aunty asked your name",Hasna says patting my shoulder.

I blink a few times then turn to aunty who looks at me with concern.

"Busola. My name is Busola" I smile apologetically.

"What a beautiful name. Mashallah your very beautiful beta"she says.

"Thank you aunty",I smile.

"Your siblings?".

"Yeah. This is Yousif, next after me then Hasna who's the youngest".

"Ah this is my son Hamed. He's the next eldest after my first born Usman who's st home with his wife Noor. Then Ishaq who's after Hamed then Ayesha and my husband",she introduces.

"Asalam Alaykum"me and my siblings greet uncle who smiles.

"Walaykum Salam" he replies.

"You and Hamed are probably around the same age",she smiles with excitement.

"He's 30",Ayesha blurts.

"Shut up",Hamed says smacking her head. She just smiles innocently.

"Sis is 25",Hasna says with her big mouth.

"Ah just 5 years older than her bhai",Ayesha states with a reading smile.

"What about your parents?"aunty asks.

I look at Hasna who's smile instantly drops. She looks away with a frown.

"They're with Allah",she replies.

I look at her shocked at first then smile at her response.

"Subhanallah"I hear aunty and uncle whisper then aunty immediately smiles.

"May Allah grant them the highest position in Jannah".

"Ameen"we all whisper.

"Oh beta you should come over for Eid-ul-Adha. We're having a party within the family",aunty requests with a friendly smile.

"Oh that's very kind of you aunty but I don't think we can make it. I have to work you see"I try my best to politely reject the request but instantly feel guilty when she frowned.

"Oh I see".

"Its Eid sis"Hasna whispers to me. I really don't want to. Am not even working tomorrow but I just don't want to. Am off tomorrow. I don't think I can take the nervousness and awkwardness am feeling from being near Hamed. Boy is too fine.

"Its Eid though. Your supposed to be off"Hamed says finally speaking which actually caught me off guard.

"Yeah except we never really did celebrate with anyone. We don't know much people here",I reply.

"Then come. It'll be fun, trust me",he says.

I look at him and he smiles. I gulp and couldn't help but nod just by him telling me to come.

"Amazing. Why don't you exchange numbers with Hamed he'll tell you when to come and give you the address okay beta"aunty says which sounded more like an order than a request.

"Okay"I nod then she walks away with her husband and son and daughter. For some reason Hasna and Yousif followed and took the trolley with them.

"So number?"Hamed asks.

"Oh yeah um its 0899619481".

He typed it into his phone then looks at me.

"Do you want mine or?"

"Um sure? If you want"I mumble.

He let's out a chuckle then nods.

"Its 0899859730",he says while I also type it into my phone.

I save his name as Hamed then look up at him. "So I guess I see you tomorrow".

"Yup"I nod then turn around to walk away.

Hasna and their family are basically shopping together now. They're following each other while Hasna and aunty are talking. Yousif and Ishaq are abusing each other, pushing each other and glaring at each other. Ayesha is just chatting away with uncle.

"See you tomorrow dear",sunrh waves as they get into their fancy family car while Hamed gets into another car which a driver opens up for him. He gets in and the driver enters next. Another driver enters the family car.

"Wow they must be hella rich",Hasna gasps upon watching this. I just smile then close the boot of the car then hand Yousif the trolley yo out back. I get into the drivers seat, Yousif in the passengers and Hasna in the back.

"Sis wasn't Hamed like super hot?",Hasna whispers letting out a moan of satisfaction.

"Oh shut up"Yousif yells.

"Boy quit yelling",I smack his head.

"Admit it sis he was totally into you. The way he looked st you and smiled. That's a total crush moment"she says then smacks her tongue.

"Girl watchu know about crush moment"I laugh.

"Sis let's be honest you have no experience in boys"she says

"What? And you do?"me and Yousif yell at once and turn to look at her.

"No I don't mean like that relax. You don't know how to speak to boys that's what I mean",she says.

"I know"I mumble to myself. I sigh then throw my head back on the head seat.

"Its okay though sis you gotta find something to wear also for tomorrow" she smiles.

"Hasna change subject".I yell as I park the car in front of our house.

"But sis"she sighs.

"Hush"me and Yousif yell then laugh at her pouting face. "Aww baby sorry yeah"I say and pat her hand.

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