Part 22- Love

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First Day


"Morning. Your up early",Hamed yawns then sits up in bed.

"Morning. And yeah after Fajr prayer I couldn't really sleep so I did some cleaning around, before I knew it it was already 6 so I took a bath and got ready",I explain to him as I style my hijab.

"What are you in the mood for?",I get up and walk to the bed then sit down beside him.

"Can you cook Biryani?",he asks.

"No but I can tell the cook t-",I tell him.

"I want it cooked by your hands"he says holding my hands in his.

"Really? In that case I'll tell the cook to teach me. You go get ready",I tell him.

"Okay thank you"he kisses my cheek then jumps out of bed. I smile and watch as he walks into the bathroom.


"Hamed its ready",I call while I set the table.

Turned out Hamed and his family actually have a family home here in Spain which is where we're actually staying. He said that they frequently come Spain to visit family members and just for holidays so they just bought a house to live in.

"Ma'am is everything okay now?",Barbara, our cook asks me.

"Oh yes. Thank you so much for your help. You can go now",I tell her.

"No problem ma'am. Thank you*,she smiles then takes her leave.

"Ham-"I turn around to head up the stairs but end up bumping into him.

"Sorry am here."he smiles.

"Finally. What were you doing for so long anyways. Your food will get cold"I walk back to the table.

"Where's your plate?"he asks.

"I drank some apple juice. Am not really hungry".

"Not hungry?"he whispers then turns to me.

"Your not skipping meals for weight loss are you?"he asks.

"Oh no no. Am n- okay maybe a bit but I'll wait later. Really".

"I don't care about weight baby I told you that"he says.

I sigh and turn away from him.

"Am serious Busola I don't want you skipping meals EVER. I love you just the way you look, just the way you are",he whispers.

I smile then look up at him finally.

"Okay?"he asks.

I frown then shrug and turn away from him.

"What's wrong?",he asks me.

"You just said you love me",I shrug.

"And so?"he asks again.

"You never show it. You say it but never show it so how can I believe you?".

He just starts laughing. I hiss with annoyance then storm off.

"Hey baby am sorry am sorry",he pulls me back towards him then wraps his arms around my waist slowly.

"What! Leave me alone".

"You just complain that I don't show you that I love you. So let me show you now",he whispers into my ear.

"Now? Don't be silly your food will get cold".

"We can always warm it up"he shrugs.

"And this can wait. Come on let's go e- aaahhhh",I scream when he picks me up bridal style.

"Hamed leave m-".

He makes his way up the stairs with me still in his arms.

"Hamed the food isn't even covered. Aren't you hungry?",I ask him.

"How about you keep quiet and let me show you how much I love you",he whispers then throws me onto the bed with a smirk.

Well Damn.

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