Part 20-Hotel

420 40 6

15th September


I walk out of the hotel bathroom with my towel around my waist. Hamed is laid on the bed with his phone and hands on his chest while his eyes are shut closed.

"Everything okay?",I ask him.

"Mmm?". He opens his eyes then his eyes land on me. His eyes roam my dripping wet body but he doesn't say anything.

"Is everything okay at the office now?",I ask him.

"No. We don't know who it could be. The camera is unable to detect any faces",he shrugs.

I bend down and open my suitcase. I look though it for something like my PJs but all I find are lingeries, and a cream see through night gown which looked like it'll only reach my thigh.

"Is that all babhi packed?",I hear Hamed say. I quickly close the bag then he starts laughing.

"Stop",I roll my eyes then pick out the nightgown. I head back into the bathroom to change.

I walk out to find him talking on the phone. Probably to his workers because he looked pretty annoyed.

"How could you all leave your posts? Huh? Gather all the securities. The police are coming to the office tomorrow for questioning so everyone must attend. Tell me how it goes. Bye",he hangs up and rubs his forehead then throws his phone a d the bed.


He turns around ready to yell my name but he stops when he sees me in front of him.

"Its not bad"he says and Eoins me around slowly.

"Hamed"I gasp loudly then smack his chest playfully.

"Your ass cheeks are showing. She really had time to choose carefully",he chuckles.

"She really did"I laugh.

"Am tired"we both yawn at the same time then stretch our arms.

We lay in bed silently just staring at the ceiling. He doesn't say anything so I don't.
I look over towards him then move towards him.

"Hamed"I whisper.


"Your not saying anything"I whisper.

"What do you want me to say?".

I sigh then sit up.

"Look we're both new to this and nervous. But don't shut me out".

"Am not shutting you out. I just.....I don't know what to do, where to start even"he says whole scratching his head.


I smile then look down.

I roll over towards him and lay my head on his chest.

"We don't have to do anything. Am okay this way",I smile.

"We don't?".

"We don't"I chuckle then close my eyes with my hand on his chest.

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