Part 31- Cork Talk

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"Yousif we need to talk. About your transfer",Busola starts.

"Look sis your the last person I want to talk to. Just leave me alone"he mumbles and tries to walk past her but she blocks him.

"Sit Yousif",Hasna pushes a chair behind then pushes him into it.

He rolls his eyes and shrugs

"Okay so I know you know Cork, we've lived there countless times so your familiar with the city but am not comfortable leaving you alone there. So I want to ask, are you going to be alone or is there someone you know?",Busola starts.

"Rilwan and I want to get a house together",Yousif answers.

"Oh Rilwan. But you know houses there are expensive and transport fares too*,she tells him.

"I know. *sighs* look sis despite the fact that am mad at you. Am just genuinely not comfortable. It was okay when it was me Ishaq, Hasna and Ayesha here but now that Hasna and Ishaq will get married soon. Its just awkward. And you, your bent on helping Hamed and she'll be busy with Ishaq with their baby on the way. Then there's me and Ayesha and that's just awkward. I just want to stay alone for now",he explains.

"If you said it like that yesterday then I probably wouldve signed the form. You were being a real asshole yesterday. It wasn't even funny",Busola says.

"I know but your my sister. He'd do the same for Ayesha and that's a fact",he says then he looks at me.

"Am sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like a monster. Its just I was scared after what happened the last time. I know its not your fault so am sorry for making it sound like it was",he tells me.

Oh wow.

"Its fine",I nod then glance at Busola who smiles and riffles his hair.

"I'll sign the form but we need to talk transport and all. I really dong want you working Yousif. It'll affect your grades, you know you don't deal with stress well",she whispers.

"Then what am I supposed to do. I need to save up money and help myself"he shrugs.

"You know what I'll send what I have to your account yeah that should help you for 2 months or so. Just find a house and send it to m-".

"We already have a house. Well Rilwan found it. Its 560 per month. That's legit the cheapest".

"So we'll be splitting it. So that will be 280 each for us both then we pay for electricity and all which is 130 each so that's 410 which is actually not so bad",he shrugs.

"Yeah that's really good"Busola hums.

"But transport back and forth. How far is your college to the house?".

"Its like 45 minutes by bus but walking its like 1 hour and 24 minutes. So we'd be taking two buses to the college",he explains.

"That's okay so basically you'll be needing about 25 for transport itself every week".

"Yup"he nods.

"Why don't you just get him a car and his license so he doesn't have to pay for transport",Usman bhai suggests.

"Yeah but car fuel and all would cost more",she mumbles.

"You so realize your married now. All this isn't just your responsibility anymore. Hamed is there",Mama tells her.

Busola looks at me. "I know I jus-".

"Wait why don't you take my car then",Busola suggests.

"Sis your car sucks. You tryna get me bullied on my first day?",he says which made both me and Busola chuckle.

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