Part 23- Shopping Gone Wrong

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"So we'll have dinner at Sevilla Restaurant after shopping",I tell Busola who's busy putting in her night gown.

"Is that a halal restaurant though?".

"Obviously babe where else would we eat?"I chuckle.

"Oh hush",she rolls her eyes playfully then walks over to the bed.

She sits on my lap and lays her head on my chest. "Why do you want to go shopping anyways?",she asks me.

"So we can get us some new clothes. I need new shoes".

"I hate shopping but okay"she shrugs.

"Yeah but that's because you said you didn't have money. But now you do so you'll enjoy it".

"Technically you have t-".

"Babe we're married. What I have you have. We equal in this marriage. You hear me?".

"okay"she nods.

"Good now let's get some sleep so we can wake up early for Fajr".

"Yeah okay",she rolls off my chest and sits next to me.

I pick up her hands and we both turn to each other and perform dhikr together before going to bed.


"Do you want some candy floss? They're really good",I tell Busola who shakes her head.

I roll my eyes and get one blue one. I pay for it then head back to Busola who's standing with her arms crossed while looking around the place awkwardly.

"Here me and you eat this one",I hold it towards her mouth with a smile on my face.

She takes some and stuffs it into her mouth with a sarcastic smile.

"Babe stop acting like this. This is supposed to be our honeymoon. Am trying everything to make you enjoy it but no matter what I do, you won't enjoy it if you don't want to enjoy it. Loosen up",I tell her with an exhausted sigh.

"Am sorry I just. I don't know. I can't be eating all this because am on a diet a-"

I raise an eyebrow at her then shake my head and walk away.

"Hamed where are you going?"she calls.

"Let's go home".

"I thought we was going to a restaurant?".

"Not feeling it anymore"i shrug.

She doesn't say anything. The whole way to the car and the way back to our house. She was silent and so was I.


"We have to talk. This is serious",I tell Busola.

"You haven't said anything to me ever since then. Why now?",she scoffs.

"Don't do that Busola. Don't do that",I snap at her.

She turns to me with a raised eyebrow then sits down on the bed with crossed legs.

"Let's start off with the basics. Why are you going on a diet? Like what's your aim?"I ask her

"Lose weight? I don't understand why we have to go through all this. Can you not just leave it. Its what I want to feel okay about myself. Its not about you. I care and love that you love me the way I am but its just for me to feel good personally".

"But babe listen to me though. What am tying to say is, are you doing it for you to stay fit, for you to feel good in your body, for others to not mock you or?"I ask her.

"To feel good in my own body",she answers.

"Okay so what exactly is your plan to fulfill your aim?"

"I don't know.....I just I don't know diet?".

"Are you the the of person that would want fast results or?".

"Obviously fast"she nods.

"Okay babe come here"I hold my hand out to her.

She walks over and sits in between my legs.

"I'll help you. If you really want this then I'll support you through this. I know about fitness and health and weight loss. I was once a big boy you know so I'll help you",I explain to her.

She faces me then smiles.

"But can you at least try to stall this diet. After our honeymoon we'll start. Correctly. Please baby for me at least".

She smiles then chuckles.

"Since you're begging this much then I guess".

"Thank you"I kiss her cheek then her lips making her giggle.

"So we can start our proper honeymoon with the last 3 days we have here?",I ask her.

"We can go shopping tomorrow I want new make up items, shoes, clothes and my bra is too small now so I have to get new ones. Then we get shoes and whatever you need room after that let's go to that Sevilla restaurant. Then Friday, I want to go to an African restaurant",she lists which made me smile.

"African restaurant?"

"Yes. I want you to try my country's food too babe. You have to try Jollof Rice, White rice with stew and chicken and beef and turkey and moi moi".

"Moi moi? What is that?".

"Its food look I don't know how to explain it. You'll see on Friday sha. For now let's spend tonight watching a movie"she says then stands up.

"Do you want me to order out or?".

"Yeah pizza with chicken ,pineapple and sweet corn and sweet pepper and maybe some chicken kebab but mine with sweet chilli. I really missed them",she says.

"We pigging out tonight baby"she screams as she walks into our bathroom. I laugh and shake my head.

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