Part 32- Good Deed

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"So what do you feel before you go into your no control mode?",Hamed's counsellor asks him.

"Headache. Really bad headache, voices in my head, the incident reoccurring in my head. Just pain all over"he answers with honesty.

"How long do they last?".

"About 5 seconds",he answers.

"So what do you think you can do about yourself before those 5 seconds end?".

"What do you mean? What CAN I do? Am in pain what else would I do?",Hamed says.

"Well in order to stop hurting people, you can get yourself into an empty room until your session ends. In those times can you hear anyone else's voices apart from the ones in your head?".

"Yeah but only faintly but yeah"he nods.

"Yeah this is what your wife should do. Whenever he's in that state put a recorder near where he is and record everything. When he's done then listen to what he said during his session. Keep doing that for a week. We should he able to find out what it is that's making him lose control",Dr Hassan says.

"But we know what it is already. Its the incident that's making him lose control. He trusted Daneen, she misused his trust, he got beat up by four boys with rods and belts. What else could cause him to lose control?",I ask.

"Well Mrs Khan. It might not necessarily be the beating that's causing this. It may be something more. Or better yet let's talk about that girl. Daneen is it?".

Hamed nods then sighs and looks at me.

"Am fine. Tell him what he needs to know"I whisper.

He nods then turns to his counsellor.

"She's just a highschool crush. She was popular, I was a nerd. She helped the boys in getting me alone so they could beat me. There's nothing else to it"Hamed briefly explains.

"Did you both ever do anything? Even as little as kissing cheeks, proper kissing, touching....anything?"he asks.

"Well.....she did kiss me a few times when I did her homework for her but other than that no"he shrugs.

"Maybe you just need to face your fear",he whisper.

"What fear?".

"Can you spend a night on the balcony?".

"No",Hamed shakes his head.

"Spend a night on the b-"

His watch beeps signalling the end of the session, he closes his book and sighs.

"Try spend night on the balcony. If the session starts then it might be a part of your problem",he tells Hamed who sighs and rubs his face.

"Okay we will. Thank you",I thank the counsellor then stand up along with Hamed.

"It won't be that bad. I'll stay with you but when you start losing it I'll leave",I tell Hamed who nods.

"Everything will be okay",I whisper and kiss his hand. "Yeah",he whispers then opens the car door for me. I get in then he enters also. The driver starts the car then drives off.


"Oh I actually wanted to talk to you about something",I tell Hamed who hums from Aunty's lap while she massages his head.

"I want to finish my studies",I blurt out then look at him expecting a confused look but he just nods.

"Was gonna tell you that actually. You only had one year, it only makes sense to finish it",he shrugs which made me smile.

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