Part 9-Connection

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3rd August 2018


Hamed pushes Usman away then jumps off the stage and charges for Asra who's crawling backwards with tears in her eyes and fear all over her face.

Hamed bends low to her level then raises himself up.


"Hamed stop!", sis Busola yells and just like Hamed stands still.

His huffing and puffing remained going along with his chest which is rising up and down with anger.

"Go to him",uncle begs sis who doesn't even waste time.

"its okay to be hurt Hamed. But you have to learn to control your emotions",she whispers calmly and gently to Hamed who tilts his head at her.

"Hurting Asra isn't going to help you or her so let her go",she tells him.

Hamed growls then stomps his feet at sis but she doesn't back down. He shakes his head then screams while grabbing a hold of his hair. He screams and screams to himself for no reason at all.


"Its okay Hamed here",Sis walks to him and looks back at Asra. Asra was just crying to herself so I walk over to her and help her up.

"Move"Hamed screams at sis.

"The largest part of what we call ‘personality’ is determined by how we’ve opted to defend ourselves against anxiety and sadness"sis whispers while walking towards Hamed slowly.

I don't know what she's doing but it seems to be working.

"Smile, breathe, and go slowly",she whispers

"You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you". Sis sits down on her knees in front of Hamed who then drops down with his head on her lap.

His eyes flutters for a bit then closes slowly and his hand grabs hers protectively.

"What the heck?",I hear Noor whisper.

"Asra beta am so sorry I did".

Aunty starts with tears in her eyes but her mom stands in front of aunty with anger written all over her face.

"Fatima how dare you suggest your deranged son to my daughter? How dare you when allow her to marry h-"

"We talked to her. She knows about his condition what el-"

"Enough Fatima. This wedding is canceled and never in your life contact me or my family again"she screams at aunty who gasps along with everyone else.

"He's not deranged"sis whispers. Am pretty sure she said that to herself but she's not very good at whispering and everyone heard.

"Busola don't coke in between"Asra's mom yells.

"Am not but you can't call him deranged. He has issues yeah but that doesn't make him deranged",she says.

"So you came to ruin this marriage? How come he only responded to you?".

"I did not come here to ruin anything. He only responded because I wasn't trying to get him to leave her alone. I was talking to him in a way people with the same problem would understand. You needed something for them to relate to and use their head to think about what your telling them rather than use their head to control their emotions which they can't control which then in turn makes him frustrated. That's why he acted that way. He didn't mean to hurt Asra. Asra knows that. Don't you Asra?",sis looks at Asra who's just crying.

"Asra you know about his condition why are you acting as if they didn't tell you".

"They did but I didn't think it was this bad. He pushed me. What if it was somewhere more dangerous? He could kill me",Asra yells.

"Asra don't say that beta he couldn't"aunty says.

"Your son is deranged"people start putting their own mouths into something that didn't even concern them.

"Everyone get out now. Weddings canceled",Usman says then guards walk in. No one even wasted their time in leaving. In minutes the hall became empty.

"So this is how well you know him? Why did he stop upon hearing YOUR voice? Huh Busola?",Asra yells at sis who frowns then looks at her best friend.

"I don't know Asra I just- am sorry I didn't mean to make you feel like that I just th-"

Sis begins to stand up from underneath Hamed but he wouldn't let her go. In fact his hand tightens around hers preventing her from going anywhere.

Asra snatches the wedding necklace and rink off her hand then throws it to the floor.

"Asra"aunty gasps as Asra runs out of the hall.

"Why Allah why?",Aunty breaks down crying and sinks to the floor.

"We'll talk to her, just make sure he's okay",Bilqis tells sis who nods.

"Thank you"she whispers.

Her friends leave with their husband then Asra's parents.

"Mama it'll be okay. Asra and him rent compatible anyways. She only wanted him for the money not because she actually loves him. Allah saves him rather than her",Usman whispers to his mom who just cries harder.

"Something's happening"sis says as Hamed starts shaking vigorously in her lap.

"I got this"Usman attends to him, picks him up then heads towards the exit.

"Thank you beta for today. Thank you so much, it could've been much worse if it wasn't for you",uncle kisses sis forehead and rubs her head before leaving with the rest of the family.

"Come on sis",Yousif wraps his arms around her shoulder then his other around mine.

"Let's go home".

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