Part 25- Fight

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My phone alarm beeps loudly which annoyed me completely. Am already awake damn. I cancel it then check the time.

1:49 am.

I look towards Hamed who's sprawled out in bed peacefully. I smile then kiss his forehead.

I get up and walk to the door. I grab my hijab from the chair and wrap it around my head.

1:59 am.

I stand very close to the door and wait patiently for it to reach 2.

Hamed starts moving around in bed. He swings his arms around then sits up with his eyes still closed.

2:00 am.

He drops back in bed then his legs start flying all over the place in sync with his arms. Next thing, tears are rolling down his cheeks. He's crying and punching the wall. He turns around and his eyes open wide and he stares right at me.

"You hurt me. I will kill you",he growls then charges towards me.

I slam the door shut and lock it with the key.

"Let me out"he screams banging on the door repeatedly. I close my eyes tightly and slide down the door while holding my chest and trying to slow down my breathing.

I open my eyes to find the hallway lights turned on and aunty, uncle and Usman and Noor rushing over.

"Let me out",Hamed yells banging on the door harder.

"Are you okay?"aunty asks me and brings me over to her.

"Your face"Usman gasps.

"Did he do that? During your honeymoon?"he asks.

I nod slowly. Aunty frowns looking at me with guilt.

"Am so sorry beta. Am so s-".

"Aunty its not your fault and I don't blame him either",I tell her and wipe away her tears.

I check my phone then suck in some air.

2:15 am.

I unlock the door slowly.

"What are you doing?"aunty whispers.

"He's quiet and its already 2:15. He's session lasts 15 minutes",I explain to them.

"Wait what?"Usman raises an eyebrow with confusion written all over his face.

"Okay so, at 1:58 he sits up then when it hits 2, he falls back in bed and that's when his session starts. I get out and lock the doors. 2:10 he starts to quiet down and he stops banging the door. Then 2:15 exactly. He falls asleep on the floor. Then he wakes up at 4 for Fajr and everything's fine",I explain with detail for them.

"How did yo-"uncle starts.

"I studied his routine after 3 days of it happening. I realized that every time he always woke up sane time and ended same time. So I just put it as a routine for myself too. He'll be okay now",I tell them then open the door. And there is Hamed on the floor with his body sprawled out.

"I'll carry him"Usman offers then walks into the room and picks up Hamed then takes him to the bed and lays him there.

"So he's okay after this?"he asks me to be sure.

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