Part 38- Revelation

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"Hamed Hamed",a voice calls from a distant. Footsteps are heard before am being shook. I open my eyes slowly upon this. My vision was at first blurry, everything was all over the place. I close my eyes again and take a few deep breaths then let then all out. I open my eyes slowly. The first thing I see is Nathan. I sit up straight then look around my surroundings. Why am I in a classroom?

"Come on Hamed. Your brother is out waiting for you",Nathan says.

I move my hand then gasp and hit the wall. What the? I look at the corner am placed in then look ahead of me where there's also ME sitting in a chair with Nathan standing beside me. My mind isn't able to comprehend what is going on. Why's there two of me?

"My brother? What do you mean? What am I doing here?",my other me asks Nathan with a confused look on his face.

"You passed out after Daneen kissed your cheek and asked you to come to her party",he chuckles then fixes his round shaped nerd glasses which is similar to the ones I have.

"Daneen? As in THE Daneen? But she's so pretty and me?",my other one raise an eyebrow.

"I think she really likes you. She's been spending time with you lately. She even ditched Luke for you. You have to go to her party",he says with excitement.

Younger Hamed smiles then stands up and picks up his bag. He runs out of the classroom along with Nathan. I follow them out and witness as young Usman bhai gets out of the car. Noah standing beside the car in his usual suit.

"Bhai"younger me smiles with excitement. He runs down to Bhai and hugs him.

I remember this day. Bhai had just come back from college after months of being away from him. He specifically asked to come pick me up so he'd be the first person he sees when I come out. Even though he's only two years older than me he treats me like am 5 years younger. But I don't mind it though.

My eyes close involuntarily and just as they close, they reopen. But the scenery had changed. I wasn't in school anymore. I was now in Daneen's parents house. The place filled with kids from school, boys, girls. Everybody was present.


I walk past people's bodies like a ghost and they didn't even seem to feel anything.

"Hamed. Come to the terrace with me I want to show you something".

The words ring repeatedly in my ears. I just wanted to get out of this place. Why was I anyways? As if the pain wasn't enough now I have to relive it.

I turn around to walk out of the door but then my body just stopped. I suddenly couldn't move a single muscle. It was as if it was being controlled by someone else.

Younger Hamed enters the terrace with a shy look on his face. He fixes his glasses and takes some deep breaths.

"Daneen am here. Where are you?". He calls and calls but no reply.

My body suddenly changes venue and  am now in the kitchen where Daneen is standing. There's a man behind her.

"I want you guys to mess him up for me. Mess him up REAL good. Aim for his head. I'll pay you your shares when I hear the news of the one and only Yunus Khan's son in the hospital".

The voice sounded awfully familiar but I couldn't pin point who it was.

"Don't worry Noah. I got this".

Daneen and the man turn around. I nearly lost my balance when I see who it is. All this time. It was HIM. I cried to him. He consoled me. Despite being just a driver for our family. We loved him. I loved him. We celebrated Eid together with him because he had no family. My father took him in and gave him a job, a house. How could he do this to me. Why?

The venue changed once more  and this time am on the terrace AGAIN. But this time not alone. I was surrounded by my bullies, Daneen and Noah himself but he was in a mask. My body was laid bloodily on the floor in the middle of them.

Noah held a gun in his hand aimed at my head. He held the trigger and was about to pull when the door handle was being shook from outside. Panic filled the room.

"Daneen dea-". A middle aged woman walks onto the terrace with a pink scarf in her hand which dropped instantly as her eyes landed on my body.

"Mom",Daneen gasps.

"What did you do?"the woman whispers, her voice shaking with fear.

"I got us a way out of your abusive relationship with baba"Daneen smiles.

Her mom looms at her with widened eyes then she starts crying.

"You stupid child. By killing another human?"she yells.

"Aunty keep it low",the boys tell her.

Suddenly sirens are heard making them all panic. I didn't know that the police were called. None of them got arrested though.

"Go. Now",the woman says.

"Aunty Nafisat pl-"

"Run. They can't see any of us here. Now go",she whisper yells.

What is she doing? Wait. Why does she look so familiar? I feel like I've seen her before. Not face to face b-. 

They all run out of the terrace leaving my body on the cold hard ground bleeding out.

I walk over to my younger self and bend down. I should've died. But I didn't. Allah saved me. But why? Why did He make me go through all this pain all these years? For what purpose exactly? I don't want to question Allah but at this point am just confused and totally lost and also very shocked.

"Hamed". Nathan screams and runs over towards. I look at him and couldn't help but smile.

"Hamed Hamed Hamed. Hamed. No no please Hamed don't go stop wake up. You can't leave me here alone. Please Hamed please",cries of plead shake me.

I open my eyes slowly and the first eyes I see are the brown eyes of my wife. Her eyes had always been the type of brown that was like sweet chocolate. The chocolate that melts at the slightest bit of the heat from love or happiness. But now they just held pain and misery. Her face held the same sorrow I had seen on that woman.

My hands reach up towards her face to wipe her tears away when the realization striked me.

That woman. Daneen's mom.

That's Busola's mother.

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