26- He could be addicted to you

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"So you and Hoseok?" NamJoon questioned, sipping his tea quietly.

Yoongis cheeked burned a deep crimson red, holding his face in his hands, "Shut up!"

NamJoon chuckled, "So, are you two dating?"

"No," Yoongi answered.

"So fuck buddies?"

"Basically, I guess," Yoongi sighed, not really knowing his exact relationship with Hoseok.

Of course he likes the younger, he couldn't deny it. Hoseok made him happier, and he wishes their interactions weren't all sexual, he wants to actually form a bond with Hoseok.

Like NamJoon could read his brothers thoughts, he says, "well do you like him?"

"I-I do," Yoongi stuttered.

"Then why don't you go for it Hyung! You can't let what happened with Taehyung impact all your relationships in the future," NamJoon exasperated.

Yoongi rubbed his temples. It wasn't that he was letting his past relationship affect his future love life. Hoseok literally was a SEX ADDICT. Yoongi didn't have the comfort of knowing that Hoseok would be completely faithful to him if they did get into a relationship, that's why he tried his hardest at pushing his feelings away.

"You don't get it Joon, Hoseok has this thing wh-"

"He's a sex addict, I know," NamJoon interrupted.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, NamJoon explaining himself.

"My boyfriend is SeokJin, SeokJin is friends with Jimin, Jimin is friends with Hoseok, Jimin doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut and neither does SeokJin," NamJoon explained using his hands.

Yoongi laughed, "how is SeokJin?"

"Better," NamJoon smiled, thinking about his beautiful boyfriend.

SeokJins mother had died of cancer a couple months ago, the male devastated. When he had gone to the club with Jeongguk and Yoongi, it was the first time the group had seen him smile genuinely in awhile. They were glad he was slowly going back to his old self.

"Back to Hoseok,"

Yoongi groaned.

"How do you know he doesn't like you in return?" NamJoon inquired.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "He said he did, but I think he's too addicted to sex to know true feelings."

"He could be addicted to you," NamJoon mumbled.

"What?" Yoongi inquired.

NamJoon placed his tea down, "Hoseok is addicted to sex like an alcoholic is addicted to alcohol. When an alcoholic gets over their addiction to alcohol, they usually trade it for something less toxic, like exercising. How do you know Hoseok didn't trade his addiction to sex, to an addiction to you. You yourself said Hoseok has been going to you for his sexual desires a lot lately, even though he could basically get any ass he wanted."

The silver haired male gulped. Gulped because what his younger brother had said, made sense. Though Yoongis stubborn ass didn't want to believe it.

"Sure NamJoon," Yoongi scoffed.

NamJoon chuckled, "watch, I'm going to be right."


"Just say you fucking like him and get pleasure off of him only!" Lisa, Hoseoks female best friend, deadpanned.

Hoseok looked at her in disbelief, "thanks for the advice Lis, ill do that right away!"

Lisa laughed, "I'm sorry I just don't know what else to tell you. You are telling me anyone else you fuck, besides this Min Yoongi guy, you don't get pleasure off of. That means you only get pleasure off of him."

"You don't think I know that," Hoseok stated, flicking her forehead lightly.


"Not really," Hoseok laughed.

Lisa rolled her eyes, moving her orange hair out of her face, "Hoseok, you need to settle down, and from what you tell me about Yoongi, he seems like the guy to do that with."

Hoseok looked down at the ground, thinking about her words. He wanted to settle down, he really did, he has just always thought that his addiction would never let him do that. With Yoongi, Hoseok felt happy. He felt happy without having to touch Yoongi, or fuck him, just talking to Yoongi made him smile. And with what Hoseok was going through, that was kind of hard to do.

"You are whipped," Lisa proclaimed, sitting back in her seat.

Hoseok flicked her again, "shut up!"

She just stuck her tongue out at him.

"Confess to him Hoseok, before its too late," Lisa said with pure sincerity, Hoseok nodding at her words.

He needed to confess to Yoongi.

Y'all I had to add one of Queens of Hoseok's bestie, it just had to be done :)

Do you like that Lisa (a queen) is Hoseok's female bestie?

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