36- Let me help you

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"What did she mean by 'till you pay me'?" Yoongi asked, finally speaking after what felt like an eternity of silence.

Hoseok and Yoongi were back at Hoseoks place, Hoseok having lost his appetite after Seoyun took Haechan. Yoongi simply accompanying his boyfriend.

The red head looked up at Yoongi, water trickling down his neck from the shower he had maybe with Yoongi accompanying him.

"Her fucking Appa," Hoseok huffed, just thinking about the old bastard made his blood boil, "ever since i was in high school, hes wanted me to pay him money. First it was because i got that crazy bitch pregnant in the first place, now it's because I want full custody of MY son!"

Yoongis mouth was agape, he couldn't believe how crazy not only Seoyun was, but her family as well. He couldn't fathom how Seoyun or her Appa could do such a thing. It seemed like Seoyun didn't even want Haechan in the first place, so why go through so much trouble keeping him?

Unless, "she wants you," Yoongi muttered, Hoseok staring at him inquiringly.


"Seoyun, she doesn't want to keep Haechan, she wants you. She knows the only connection she has to you is Haechan, so the only way she can stay connected to you is by keeping him," Yoongi explained, staring at Hoseok after he did.

Hoseok thought about this, his eyes shifting every now and then as his brain processed the words Yoongi said.

"Also," Yoongi continued, "she must have told her Appa this, which might be the reason why he keeps making you pay money."

"It makes sense," Hoseok agreed, "looking at it now, it would explain why he's such a dick to me."

"Who? Seoyuns appa?"

"Yeah," Hoseok chuckled, no enthusiasm detected in the sound, "he has hated me since he knew Haechan existed, though it was his crazy ass daughters fault."

Yoongi just nodded, the two sitting in silence. Hoseok laid his head on Yoongis lap, the elder male playing with Hoseoks hair.

"How much more do you owe? To get Haechans full custody?" Yoongi asked.

"200,000," Hoseok replied, "I've paid off the rest."

"Let me help you," Yoongi blurted out, causing Hoseok to jolt up.

"Help me?"

"Yes, let me help you pay off the rest of the money. How much do you have?"


"How much do you have?" Yoongi repeated, his gaze sharp, his tone firm.

"150,000!" he exasperated.

Yoongi smiled, "let me give you 50,000, then you can have your son back!"

"Absolutely not! It's my mess, i'm not going to take your money!" Hoseok stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Who pays you?" Yoongi questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Cypher Studios?" Hoseok had a face of confusion, knowing Yoongi knew this answer.

"Who owns Cypher Studios?" Yoongi smirked, placing his chin on the palm of his hand.

Hoseok huffed, "you and Namjoon."

"So where do you get your money from in the first place?" Yoongi kept his smirk, watching Hoseok glare at him.

"You," Hoseok mumbled.

"Exactly! So i can just 'pay' you 50,000 dollars," Yoongi exclaimed with a smile.


"Do you want your son back or not?!" Yoongi exasperated. "I like Haechan, in spite of only knowing him for a week, he's a good kid who deserves to be with his amazing appa, rather than his good for nothing mother."

Hoseok let a smile form on his face, pulling Yoongi into a hug. He thanked whatever gods were up there that they let him find such an angel of a man.

"Its like im your sugar daddy," Yoongi giggled, pulling away from the hug.

Hoseoks gaze turned dark, "what?"

"Its like im your sugar daddy, and you're my sugar baby," Yoongi restated.

"Oh no no kitten," Hoseok chuckled, pinning Yoongi on the couch.

"Do I need to remind you who's the dominant one in this relationship kitten?"

Smut :]

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