59- We need to talk

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A month Haechan has been home and a month that the family has been happy. Haechan was already jumping for joy, tonight was dream night. He had one last week at his house so Hoseok and Yoongi could keep an eye on him and clean his wound. Tonight he would be able to go to RenJun's house, where it was going to be held, plus Renjuns eomma was a nurse.

“Be good okay! And listen to Areum so she can make sure you take your medicine,” Hoseok told the boy as he entered RenJuns house.

“Yes yes appa I know,” Haechan giggled, hugging Yoongi and Hoseok.

“Bye Hyukie!” Yoongi bid his farewell, the couple driving away from the home.

Yoongi still hasn't presented the idea of their own child to Hoseok, and Hoseok hasn't proposed the idea of marriage to Yoongi. The two were too focused on Haechan at the moment to really think about any of it.

The two walked into their home, Hoseok taking off his jacket and shoes as Yoongi did the same.

The two also haven't had sex.

Yes they would make out every now and then, but couldn't really have sexual intercourse since Haechan was starting to have intense night mares, otherwise known as night terrors. The young boy diagnosed with PTSD after what happened, he was now traumatized, needing medicine to control his night terrors.

“I hope he doesn't have one tonight,” Hoseok sighed, sitting on the couch.

Yoongi nodded, sitting beside his boyfriend, “I do too.”

Hoseok closed his eyes, leaning his head back. Yoongi just watched as Hoseok breathed in and out slowly, lost in some sort of trance.

“We need to talk,” Yoongi whispered, Hoseok's eyes shooting open.

“Are you breaking up with me?!” the younger exclaimed.

Yoongi laughed, “NO!” he punched Hoseok's arm lightly.

Hoseok let out a relieved breath, “good, so what do you want to talk about?”

“Uh-it- uh, maybe, l-li-”

“Baby, why do you keep stuttering? You know you can talk to me,” Hoseok assured. Yoongi looked into his lovers eyes, the eyes that he couldn't help but fall in love with every time he looked into them.

Yoongi took a deep breath before speaking, “I want to have a kid with you.”

The black haired male blinked a couple times before he fully comprehended what his lover had said.

Hoseok tilted his head slightly as he spoke, “did I hear you correctly?”

Yoongi huffed, “Jung. Hoseok. I. Want. To. Have. A. Child. With. You.”

The black haired male gulped, “repeat that.”

“NEVERMIND!” the elder exasperated, standing up to walk away.

Only for Hoseok to grab him by the wrist and yank him backwards, as a result the elder fell on his lap, Hoseok trapping him by taking a firm hold of the males hips.

“I heard you,” Hoseok whispered, Yoongi rolling his eyes as he draped his hands on Hoseok's shoulders.

“What do you mean by have one with me? You can't get pregnant?” Hoseok tilted his head once again.

Yoongi chuckled, “like surrogate. Jiwoo already said she would do-”

“That's what you two were talking about that day you went to eat with her,” Hoseok realized, Yoongi nodding.

“She said she would do it for us. Hoseok I love you so much and I know you have Haechan, but I th-”

Hoseok crashed his lips with Yoongi's, cutting the elders rambling short, which the blonde was grateful for. Yoongi moved his lips against Hoseok's slowly, the blonde leaning into Hoseok slightly which caused his hips to lift up and land back directly over Hoseok's crotch.

The black haired male was the first to pull away, “I'd love to have a kid with you Yoongi. A little boy or girl running around here. I know Haechan would already like the idea of having a younger sibling.”

Yoongi showed his gummy smile.


Yoongi's smile faltered slightly.

“I want to marry you first.”

The blondes stomach filled with intense butterflies.

“You don't know when i'll propose but I want us to be married before having a child together, sound good?” Hoseok inquired, rubbing circles onto Yoongi's skin.

The younger didn't receive his answer verbally, instead the elder smashed his lips against Hoseok's again.

This time the two had no plans to stop.



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