33- Appa has a boyfriend?

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Yoongi and Hoseok slept placidly together, the only sound you could hear was their tranquil breathing, along with Hoseoks occasional snores. The silver haired male was the first to open his eyes, being met with the calm face of his lover. The light shining into the room was a bit gray, signifying that it must have been raining outside. Which to Min Yoongi was the perfect weather to wake up in.

Though, Yoongi and Hoseoks placid moods would be ruined in a couple of seconds.

"APPA!!" Yoongi was the first to hear the shout of Hoseoks son, the silver haired male trying to nudge Hoseok awake.

"Haechan stop, he's probably sleeping!!" he heard the muffled voice of Jimin, but the male was with someone else as well.

The young boy didn't listen, bolting into his appas room with a loud yell. Yoongi hid under the covers, realizing he only had Hoseoks shirt and his own boxers on.

Haechan pounced on his appa, jumping on not only his appas body but Yoongis as well.

"APPA WAKE UP!!" Haechan started shouting, jumping a bit harder.

Hoseok groaned, rolling over to the side Yoongi was on, Hoseok also hiding himself under the covers. The red opened his eyes, seeing the extremely annoyed expression of his boyfriend.

"I'm going to kill you," Yoongi warned, gripping Hoseok's chin.

The red head gulped, retreating back to his original position above the covers. Haechan had an evident pout on his features as, SeokJin, one of Hoseoks new friends, pulled him out of the room.

"Is he gone?" Yoongi questioned.

Hoseok smiled at Yoongis raspy morning voice, "yeah he's gone."

Yoongi uncovered himself, sitting himself up next to Hoseok. The red head gazed at his lover, adoring the feeling of waking up next to him, even if Yoongi was a bit of a grump.

"Good morning," he cooed, pecking Yoongis pale cheek.

Yoongi couldn't help the gummy smile that formed on his face, "morning," he whispered.

The two finally got up, going to Hoseok's bathroom to wash up. Yoongi decided to stay in there a bit longer, wanting to put his actual clothes back on while Hoseok just threw on basketball shorts and a t-shirt.

"APPA!" Haechan screamed in delight once he saw his father exit the room, running over to him instantly.

Hoseok caught Haechan easily, picking the small boy up.

"Hi Jiminie, hello SeokJin Hyung," Hoseok greeted the two males.

SeokJin gave a warm smile at the father and son duo, thinking they were most definitely a cute pair.

"Not to be rude Hyung," Hoseok began, instructing Haechan to go put his backpack in his room, "but what are you doing here?"

"A guy can't just come see his friend that he hasn't officially greeted in ages, even if I saw at the club but didn't really remember cause I was drunk!!" SeokJin spiraled out.

Hoseok put his hands up in a defensive manner, walking over to his hyung with a smile, "it's nice to see you, Jinnie."

SeokJin hugged the younger male tightly, "nice to see you too."

"Ehem," Yoongi interrupted the sweet moment quickly, confused to see his brothers boyfriend in his boyfriends living room.



They said in unison, confusion etched on both their features.

Hoseok chuckled, walking over to Yoongi and drapping an arm around him, "Jin this is my boyfriend."

"YOU FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE AFTER NO NAME!" Jin shrieked in happiness, running over and pushing Hoseok aside so he could hug Yoongi.

Jimin smiled at Hoseoks appalled expression and Yoongi's giddy one. The blonde looked over to his side, to see a confused Haechan standing there, having basically heard the whole thing.

"Appa has a boyfriend?" Haechan questioned aloud, his hazel eyes widening.

Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and SeokJin knew one thing, they just fucked up. Hoseok mentally face palming himself.


"SeokJin, Yoongi, how about you two go get some lunch with, um, NamJoon and Jeongguk," Jimin suggested, which the two easily agreed to.

Hoseok mouthed a 'thank you' to Jimin, the blonde nodding as a response. As Jimin walked Yoongi and SeokJin out, Hoseok turned to his son who had a perplexed expression on his features.

"Haechan, champ, talk to me," Hoseok practically begged, looking into his sons hazel eyes.

Haechan looked up at his Appa, seeing nothing but sincerity in his fathers eyes. Haechan wasn't mad at his appa, of course not, he wanted his father to find someone other than his bitchy mother. The boy might have been young, but he wasn't stupid. When Haechan wasn't with his Appa, he would be with his terrible excuse for a mother. The woman would bring men home all the time, Haechan having to hear the lewd moaning that came from her room.

The young boy wanted his father to find someone, someone good for him, unlike his mom. He was just surprised to hear the news that his dad actually did find someone. Was he expecting it to be Yoongi? A bit. He noticed the way his appa looked at Yoongi, the way he never looked at his mother, with love.

Who knows, maybe Yoongi was that other parental figure Haechan has always wanted in his life.

Instead of answering Haechan just ran and hugged his appa with so much compassion.  Hoseok immediately wrapped his arms around his son, becoming a bit teary eyed at the action.

"Are you mad?" Hoseok asked, some tears coming down his face, his son would always come first.

Haechan smiled, pulling away from his Appa. When Haechan noticed his father's tears, he instantly took his small hands and wiped them away, "I'm not mad Appa, I'm happy, I like Yoonie Hyung." he smiled.

The red headed male laughed at that, kissing his sons face, causing the young boy to giggle.

Jimin watching the whole thing unfold, his heart melting. The blonde knew, no matter what, Hoseok and Haechans bond would forever remain unbreakable.


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