58- Yoonie Appa!

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“Appa I wanna go home!” Haechan whined, Hoseok sighing for the umpteenth time.

The young boy has been in the hospital for a week now, the doctors wanting to keep a close eye on him incase anything happened. Hoseok, Yoongi, Jiwoo, and SeokJin would alternate between each other to watch him, since Hoseok refused to leave Haechan alone in the hospital.

“Tomorrow you can go home champ, remember that's what the doctor said?” Hoseok reminded calmly, already having gone through this like 10 times.

Haechan whined again, throwing his head back on the pillow, “hospitals are boring,” he mumbled.

Hoseok laughed, “I know they are champ, tomorrow we can go out to eat, yeah? With Yoonie appa and Jiwoo Noona.”

The young boys eyes brightened at the idea, the nine year old finally piping down a bit.

“Appa,” Hoseok heard Haechan call out.


“Are you going to marry Yoonie appa?”

Hoseok dropped his phone.

“Aish! Haechan you can't ask me things like that when I have my phone!” Hoseok was now the one whining, Hoseok having the audacity to wonder where he got the trait from.

Haechan giggled, repeating his question.

“I want to,” Hoseok smiled, thinking of the blonde, who was probably on his way back from the police station.

Seoyun was definitely behind bars now, along with her father. Jaehyun making sure of that. Seoyun wouldn't be able to get out of jail this time, now her charge wasn't just kidnap, it was attempted murder as well. Yoongi having to go and give his statement.

Haechan smiled, “yay! You and Yoongi appa are very nice together, wanna see?” Hoseok raised an eyebrow, walking over to his son.

Hoseok stared at the picture with utter confusion

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Hoseok stared at the picture with utter confusion. Taking his sons phone and examining it further. This must have been a couple weeks before Hoseok had dyed his hair and Yoongi had his fading silver. How the hell did he not notice Yoongi staring at him?

“I took two pictures and edited them together, I'm not in trouble right?” Haechan questioned.

Hoseok chuckled, handing Haechan his phone back. “You’re in trouble because you didn't send me those pictures, send them to me my child!”

Haechan laughed, nodding at his appas command.

The two heard a knock at the door, seeing Yoongi’s head pop in along with Jiwoo. The two clicking rather quickly.

“Yoonie Appa!” Haechan smiled, making grabby hands so the elder would hug him.

Which Yoongi did happily, tenderly hugging the boy to not hurt the wound he had on his side. Jiwoo following right after.

As Jiwoo and Haechan talked, the boy missing his aunt, who was like an eomma for him. Hoseok and Yoongi talked.

“What took you guys so long?” Hoseok inquired.

Yoongi laid on Hoseok's lap, “We went out to get lunch.”

Hoseok showed an offended expression, “and you didn't bring us any?!”

Yoongi shrugged, “I needed to talk to your sister, alone!”

The black haired male pouted, Yoongi smiling as he leaned up to connect their lips. The two sharing a quick kiss, hearing the shutter of a camera as they pulled away. Yoongi looked back at Jiwoo, the female smiling at Yoongi fondly, thinking back on what she agreed to do for the couple.


Yoongi clenched his stomach as he laughed, “no way he did!”

Jiwoo laughed along with him, taking a bite of her food. “Yes, Hoseok smacked my ex boyfriend with a spatula in the face.”

The two were talking about a mix of things, getting a bite of food before going back to the hospital.

“I've always wondered something about Hobi,” Yoongi told, Jiwoo raising an eyebrow.

“What is it?”

“How did Hoseok become a sex addict? I mean all addicts start somewhere. I know he would never tell me, when I ask he pushes away the question,” Yoongi frowned slightly when he thought about it.

“It's a sensitive topic for him, he will tell you when he's ready. How serious are you with my brother?” Jiwoo inquired, stirring her drink with the straw.

Yoongi was taken aback by the sudden question, but answered rather quickly, “I want to marry him and I want to have a kid with him, our own kid.”

The male could see the females eyes widen, her breath knocked out of her lungs for a moment.

“Like biological?”

Yoongi nodded.

“I know it's weird to ask this way, without Hoseok, and I haven't really talked about it with him but would y-”

“I'd love to be a surrogate,” Jiwoo told taking Yoongi's hand in her own for reassurance, already knowing what Yoongi was going to ask her. Yoongi showed his signature gummy smile, raising his glass to clink with Jiwoo.

“To a future child,” Yoongi toasted.

Jiwoo nodded, showing a bright smile, “To a future child!”

The two clinked their glasses, Yoongi glad that he had one major step out of the way. The next being to speak with Hoseok head on.

To a future child 🍻

Sequel may or may not be Haechan in highschool with Yoonseok parents and a sibling 🤷

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