40- More than you'd think

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"So where are we going Lisa Noona? My Appas?" Haechan questioned from the back seat, Lisa just having hung up the phone.

The female sighed, making a quick U-turn towards Seoyuns house. "Well your Appa is at your eommas with Yoongi, so we are going to your eommas."

Haechans face lit up at the mention of his appas boyfriend, "YOONIE HYUNG IS THERE!"

The orange haired female laughed, "yes," her face then became serious, "now, are you going to tell me what happened to your cheek?"

Haechan frowned, not wanting to worry his Aunt or Appa, "n-nothing Lisa Noona, i promise."

Lisa could clearly tell the small boy was lying, having known the boy since he was 2 years old. "Don't worry, your Appa will pry it out of you."

Haechan gulped.


"I FUCKING PAID THE MONEY BITCH! THAT WAS THE DAMN DEAL AND YOU'RE ASS BETTER HONOR IT!" Hoseok spat at the female, who was just as angry. Mr.Lee understanding why Hoseok would be upset.

"N-NO I-I NEVER AGREED!" she yelled back, her face red from anger.

"Honey, you signed the paper," her appa interfered, causing Seoyun to scowl at her father.

Hoseok scoffed, "Plus you don't even want Haechan, all you do is bring random men around and just neglect him!"

At that point Yoongi had walked back in the room, the female now glaring at him. Though none of them heard the front door open due to the heavy glares they were giving each other.

"I must go back to my office, but DongHyuck now belongs to Hoseok honey, so please let it go. He will be leaving the house so you may do whatever you'd like now," her appa said, walking away to his office.

Once her appa was gone Seoyun turned back to the two males, "you talk about me, but you're teaching Haechan to be a fucking faggot!"

Seoyun didn't expect a harsh pull of her hair to be applied to her scalp, and it wasn't Hoseok or Yoongi.

"You didn't just fucking say that," Lisa deadpanned, her grip on the females hair extremely strong.

The female gulped, her blood running cold when she heard Lisa's voice.

"Look another f-fag!" she managed to say, trying to cover up her fear.

Lisa smirked, "Hoseok, Yoongi, please get DongHyuck out of the room."

Looking over the two males saw Haechan standing there, his eyes wide. Hoseok immediately scooped his son up in his arms, running to the boys room with Yoongi following behind.

When they were out of sight Lisa pulled Seoyun onto the floor, smacking her head against the hard wood. "Listen you whore," Lisa whispered, bitch slapping Seoyun right after, "you do not call me nor anyone a fucking faggot."

She bitch slapped her again, "because you have a son, and are an eomma! You ever wonder why that boy wants to be with his appa so bad? Because you are a poor excuse for a mother."

Lisa threw the female across the floor, Seoyun smacking her head against the wall. "Oh what would you know! You'll never have kids!" Seoyun screamed, trying to hit Lisa but failing completely.

Loosing it, Lisa kicked Seoyun hard in the stomach, pulling at the bun on her head. "Oh I know more than you'd think."

The orange haired female punched Seoyun in the face, knocking the female out cold. Lisa hated only a couple people on the planet, and Seoyun was at the top of that list.


Hoseok sat Haechan down on his bed, Yoongi shutting the door behind them so they wouldn't hear Seoyun and Lisa.

"What are you doing here, Appa?" Haechan asked.

"I could ask you the same thing, why arent you in school?" Hoseok retaliated, giving his son an incredulous stare.

Haechan spit the first thing that came to his mind, "I um, I had diarrhea? And was sent to the n-nurse cause I didn't feel good, and they sent me home so I called Lisa to get me."

"Okay, now the truth," Hoseok said, knowing what Haechan said was pure bullshit.

The small boy looked over at Yoongi, who gave him a reassuring smile.

"There's this kid in my class, he picks on me sometimes. Today he, um, cut my cheek with his ring and him and Mark got into a small argument. My teacher asked me if I was okay and i asked to make a call, and asked Lisa to come get me."

Hoseok could feel his blood boiling, why the fuck would anyone pick on his baby? "Do you want me to go to the school?"

Haechan shook his head frantically, "NO! I mean, no, appa its okay, I promise."

Hoseok nodded, "but if he ever does again, you tell me okay?"

Haechan nodded.

"At least there's some good news to your day," Yoongi bud in, sitting next to Haechan.

"What is it?" Haechan asked, looking at his dad's boyfriend.

"You're going home with your Appa," Yoongi informed with a smile.

The small boys face lit up, "WAIT I BELONG TO MY APPA NOW!" Haechan screeched, he wasn't oblivious to the whole custody thing.

"You Do champ, you live with me now," Hoseok smiled, Haechan hugging him tightly.

Haechan would finally be going home.

If only thats where the drama ends :,)

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