42- We both knew it wasn't

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Some 18+ content, they don't go all the way y'all :] My warning is, don't kill me :]
Just some kiss kiss squeeze squeeze, ya'know

Some 18+ content, they don't go all the way y'all :] My warning is, don't kill me :]Just some kiss kiss squeeze squeeze, ya'know

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Hoseok walked into Cypher Studios, Lana sitting at the front desk. The female looked up to see who had walked in, only for her jaw to drop at how good Hoseok looked.

"Wow you look great!" she praised.

Hoseok gave his signature smirk, "Thanks I have to go n-"
"Why dont you stay for a chat?" she persisted, moving closer to Hoseok.

"Lana, I really have to go so just back off," Hoseok urged, pushing the female away from him.

Lana smirked, grabbing Hoseoks wrist, "come on, why don't we ju-"

"If you want to keep your job, and your hand, I suggest you let go of my boyfriend," Yoongi spat, walking over to the two and pulling Hoseok away.

Lana watched as they entered the elevator, Hoseok pinning Yoongi to the wall and kissing his neck. Yoongi made sure Lana could see before the doors shut.

She sighed, "of course he's dating Min fucking Yoongi!"


As they entered Yoongi's office the silver haired male locked the door, finally getting to admire his man.

Hoseok looked unbelievably sexy in black hair, he was wearing a red t-shirt with white washed jeans and his boots, his hair slightly damp, which only made him more attractive.

"When did you dye it?" Yoongi asked, walking closer to Hoseok.

Hoseok smirked, "yesterday," he stated.

The black haired male looked around the room, remembering what he and Yoongi did in here the first time he was ever in the office with Yoongi. The memory caused Hoseoks hand to start to shake, the overwhelming feeling of lust taking over his senses.

Hoseok looked over at Yoongi, who had noticed his shaky hand, and hid it behind his back before speaking, "so, what did you text me here for?"

"That," Yoongi pointed, grabbing Hoseoks shaky hand.

Hoseok arched an eyebrow, "how did you even know?"

"Haechan called Jimin, who called me," Yoongi said, Jimin's odd behavior finally making sense in Hoseoks mind.

Hoseok shook his head, "it's okay, I'll be fine, you have work to do anyways and its on-"

To stop Hoseok from talking Yoongi crashed his lips onto his, pushing the two towards Yoongis office chair.

The silver haired male forcefully pushed Hoseok onto it, almost immediately after he did, getting on Hoseoks lap.

"I missed you," Yoongi admitted, holding onto Hoseoks neck.

"Yoongi," Hoseok shook his head, "I don't think we should do this here, I haven't gotten to touch you in 2 weeks and I fear I won't be able to hold myself back."

The elder comprehended this, knowing how Hoseok could be. "Lets just not take it as far as sex okay? You're addicted to me remember, i think a make-out session will suffice," Yoongi said, playing with Hoseoks hair as he did.

"Will it for you?" Hoseok teased, grabbing Yoongis hip.

Yoongi smirked, "for now."

The elder finally closed the gap between the two of them, their lips meeting together in one passionate kiss.

Hoseok was the first to moan into the kiss, missing Yoongis lips attached to his. The black haired male moved his hands to Yoongis ass, groping him roughly, causing Yoongi to moan and turn his head and part his lips to deepen the kiss.

The silver haired males hands went up to Hoseoks hair, tangling his hands in the soft locks. The younger licked inside of Yoongis mouth, the elder before him moaning a bit loud.

Subconsciously, Yoongi began moving his hips against Hoseok, accidentally rubbing their hard ons against each other.

Hoseok groaned, pulling away from Yoongi, a string of saliva connecting their lips, "I thought a make-out session would 'suffice'," Hoseok teased, seeing how worked up Yoongi was getting.

"We both knew it wasn't," Yoongi whispered, tugging off Hoseoks shirt and leaving his upper body bare.

Hoseok smirked, "yeah i know."

The dark haired male started marking Yoongi's neck, the elder moaned while pulling off his annoying suit jacket.

What the two didn't hear was Yoongi's office door being unlocked.

"Are you fucking kidding me Yoongi Hyung?!" NamJoon screeched.

Out of embarrassment, Yoongi hid himself in the crook of Hoseoks neck. Hoseok, still shirtless, just chuckled, "Hi again Namjoon."

"I need to stop walking in on things like this!" NamJoon sighed, covering his eyes.

"No one told you to unlock the door," Yoongi muttered, annoyed with his younger brother.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, taking his hand away from them, "i'll be leaving now, try and be quiet okay?"

Yoongi flipped Namjoon off before connecting his lips with his boyfriends. With a disgusted expression Namjoon exited his brothers office, making sure the door was locked.

"Excuse me, Mr. Kim?" Lana caught up with the much taller male, Namjoon giving an unamused look.

"What do you need, Ms. Ja?" Namjoon questioned, walking away from his brothers office.

"I needed to speak to Mr. Min for a second, but I thought since I saw Hoseok go with him, I shouldn't disturb him-"

"Get to the point Lana," NamJoon urged.

"There was a woman here like 5 minutes ago demanding to see Mr. Min, I told her that he was busy and she went ballistic, the guards took her out of the building. I just wanted to tell Yoongi that," she finally spit out, avoiding Namjoon's gaze.

NamJoons eyes bulged slightly. He looked back at his brothers office, was he going to risk going back in there? Hell no. So he just decided to leave his brother a voicemail

NamJoon looked back at the girl, nodding at her, "Thank you for telling me, you are dismissed."

Back in Yoongi office, they weren't doing what they initially planned or what Namjoon expected. At the moment, Hoseok was hurriedly getting dressed, along with Yoongi.

Lisa was in the hospital.

We are all going to die tomorrow because love yourself answer is being released!!!! I'll see y'all in hell ;)

Why do you think Lisa is in the hospital?

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