Chapter 1

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"Yevette, please move my twelve o'clock back to eleven, organise these files for me by company, and get Thailand on the phone." He walked away just as fast as he had come into my office. That was my boss, Mr. Sebastian Graham; the big bad wolf of G&SP. He was to the point and he didn't like any hold backs.

I grabbed the office phone and dialed the investors from Thailand. I was sure that my boss was already waiting for me to send over the call to him.

"Sir, Thailand is on the phone." I said into the phone, holding down a button quickly, before turning back to my computer. Today was a pretty busy day I should say, but luckily, the boss wasn't as pissed off as usual. Don't get me wrong, he was still mad but a little calmer today. I don't know if it was because his personal assistant was wearing a dress that was clearly see-through, or if it was because Paris agreed to settle and work with us on the new project.

I shifted his meeting and begun organizing the humongous stack of files laid out in front of me. Even though, I worked at this place for a solid two years, I don't fail to learn something new every day. I now knew more about marketing and business more than I ever had known before.

I took a sip of my coffee and was about to put a document into a file, when the phone rang. I answered it.

"Good morning, Mr. Sebastian's assistant speaking. Yes... Oh... Um I'll send your call to the secretary... He's in a very important call at the moment... Okay have a nice day." I pressed a button and sent the call to Vera. Vera was a young woman who wore way too much lipstick and used far too much hair spray.

She was from New York so I had to put up with a very annoying squeaky New Yorkern accent every day. After about half an hour of organizing files, I finally finished and got up to carry them to Sebastian. I knocked on his door waiting for a reply but none came.

I knocked again and then I heard a very loud angry voice tell me to enter. Oh god. Something has upset the beast. Not good...

I quickly put the files neatly on his desk, next to his PC, informed him that his meeting has been moved and headed out as fast as my legs could carry me. My break wasn't for another half hour but now that the boss was mad, I was going to have to shift into overtime. I was going to have to not upset him more than he was already.

Vera was sitting, going through her computer with a stupid look on her face, as per usual. She speared me a glance and rolled her eyes. Vera and I were not friends. She hated me since the first day I was hired and honestly I didn't know why. All the women were envious of her because she had curves that could kill and lovely long legs.

What they didn't see however, was her narcissistic personality and self indulged attitude, which was a major turn off to any sane person

I found my seat once more and did my job, which was answering calls, filing documents, making meetings. I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and began playing with a pencil because I was starting to get restless. For some reason, the pencil was a lot more fun than filing documents.

"Yevette, what the hell are you doing?!" Sebastian's voice rang out loudly and angrily. Shit, I might've upset the boss.

"Oh sorry Sir. I-I was just-"

"I don't care what you were doing. Set up a flight to Japan for Wednesday at around ten a.m, book me a good hotel in Tokyo and hurry up with those documents, I don't have all day!" I nodded and got right back on track. I heard Vera snickering and just rolled my eyeballs.

It's not like she has never gotten shouted at. She usually gets shouted at like almost every day. I don't understand how she still has a job. Maybe she bribes him by some sort of sexual favor, but honestly she's supposed to be out of a job.

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