Chapter 19

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Hey..... ssup? Hope you're doing great.

Song: Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood


Yevette's POV

As I sat down next to my nineteen year old sister comforting her, a thought came to my mind. Will my mother allow Mads to keep the baby or will she make her give it up for adoption? My mother was a loving person but she wanted us to achieve our goals before starting a family. I had finished all of my studies and was in the process of planning my future. Plus, it would be a struggle to raise a baby while being in college.

"Mads, do you want some tea? I can go talk to mom..." I offered her. She nodded and wiped at her runny nose. I stood quickly and counted every step I took to meet my mother. She was rinsing up some dishes and I could smell soup on the stove.

"Hey mom." She didn't look up from what she was doing but she answered.

"Are you mad at her?" I questioned grabbing a cup from the overhead cupboard. I placed it on the counter and grabbed thr kettle.

"No, a bit disappointed because she is so young, but she legally is an adult and is sensible in making her own decisions. I raised you children as well as I was able to and I just want to see you both prosper." She said emptying the soapy water. I took the opportunity to fill the kettle and plug it in. I then grabbed a towel and assisted her in drying the dishes.

Sometimes she could be extremely passive aggressive but she generally seemed calm and not angry. Maybe she was a little happy because a little grandbaby was on the way. With her, you'd never know.

"You're gonna let her keep it?" I questioned cautiously. She halted in handing me a bowl and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Why wouldn't I? Do you think I'm that cruel Yevette?" I shook my head. "It's her child, I just hope the father helps in raising it. Does she know who the father is? Was it some random boy?"

"It's my boyfriend Blake. And yes he will be raising this child with me." My sister's voice echoed from the entrance of the kitchen. Her eyes were puffy and I allowed myself a sigh of relief. At least that part was taken care of.

"So I don't have to give the baby up for adoption?" She asked sounding numb. This was probably what she feared the most. Having the part with a part of herself.

"Why are you both asking me that? I would never! If you decide to do that, that would be your decision not mine. I didn't decide for you to have sex without protection. That was all on you and I expected something smarter from you child." Madison looked at me and I gave her a similar look. Even though our mother claimed that she wasn't angry, it was clear to see that she was.

She was pissed.

"I'm sorry... I was drunk okay? I never intended for this to happen. I didn't think--"

"That you would get pregnant? Well that's exactly what happens when you have unprotected sex Madison. It's common sense. I need a glass of wine because this is too much for me..."


The kettle went off causing everyone in the room to jump. I opened the pantry and found the Lipton tea and placed one into the cup I previously retrieved.

"It's okay, I'll do it. Thanks." Madison thanked me and took the cup out of my hands.

"Just let her cool off."

Night came quickly and as much as I wanted to stay and comfort everyone, I had to get home to my man. I called him briefly explaining that I had a family emergency to deal with and would be home later but it was later and I wasn't home.

I hope he wasn't worrying about me. Knowing him, he probably was. I kissed both my mom and sister and hopped into my car heading home. I had so much on my mind, my upcoming wedding, Lila's wedding, the dinner date, my job interview and finally, my pregnant sister. It was a plate fillef with problems that weren't really problems but they altered my life in some sort. For Christ's sakes, I was going to be an aunty and a stepmom. Yeah. Talk about juggling ten things at once.

I pulled into the parking lot of my apartment complex and briskly walked up to my apartment bringing my coat closer to my freezing body. Winter was coming up soon and I was not ready for it. I still couldn't believe that Lila was having a winter wedding. Opening the door, the smell of lasagna, baked chicken and potatoes filled my entire being.

"Goodnight baby." Tuck greeted me by the door and kissed me deeply. I was taken aback at his sudden gesture but I wasn't complaining. As I stepped inside, the sweet smoothe vocals of Marvin Gaye filled the room in all corners making goosebumps raise on my arms.

"What's the occasion?" I asked still cautious. Did I forget something?

"Can't I treat my future wife to a special dinner? Maybe afterward we could have a little more fun. The bathroom is calling my name." He stated grabbing my waist. I smiled at him.

"Can I go change and freshen up for dinner?" He nodded and let me go.  Something was up. He had a small smirk on his lips that I didn't fully trust.

I opened the door to our bedroom and there were candles everywhere. The bed had pink and red roses all over it and wrapped gift in the center with a bouquet of flowers. My hand went straight to my mouth and I swore fell onto my cheek.

"Oh my god! Did you do this for me?" It was a dumb question but I was in so much shock that my brain wasn't working well.

A felt a pair of lips on my neck and I breathed in.

"I love it, I love you." I wrapped my arms around him. This was not expected but it was a change from my stressful day.

"And after dinner we can have a bath. In the mean time open up your gift, I'll go set the table." He kissed me once more and my stomach turned in pleasure. I sat on the bed and grabbed the small little box that was wrapped in midnight blue wrapping paper.

After pulling off all the paper, I saw the Kay Jewellers logo on the a blue suade box. I opened it and there was diamond a necklace set. It was then I began crying. It must've cost a fortune and he bought it for me. I fell even deeper in love with him and the thought of us making sweet sweet love in a warm bath was causing my cheeks to heat up. I loved this man and was so happy to have him in my life.

Awwieee that ended cute didn't it? Yeah yeah bow to your king lololol. I have one question for all you readers out there, °do you really want a naked cuddle time scene?° I can hook you all up just tell me ;)

Thank you all who have been voting and commenting (and a special thanks to the person who said my name was beautiful.. we need more people like you in the world)

We're almost at 40K ahhhh I cannot believe it myself. Pinch me!! I love you all so much. Please do not forget to vote and comment on this chappie.

Until next update,


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