Chapter 22

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Hey my Cola familaaay!!!!

Please enjoy this rather JUICY chapter that I have provided for your nasty pleasure *winks uncontrollably*

Song: Fuck by Post Malone ft. Jeremih


Sebastian's POV

I wasn't in the right headspace at that moment when I begged and pleaded with Yevette to have sex with me but I needed it and that was one thing I knew for sure. I was kissing her deeply on her mouth as the tears stopped falling down my face. I wasn't fake crying or anything but I was feeling some deep emotions that I didn't usually feel for another person.

"We have to hurry up... It's gonna look suspicious."

Yevette brought to my attention as I was undoing my belt and unbuttoning my pants. The car was dark and where we were parked barely had any light--only a small stream of it to be exact--so I had a bit trouble seeing. Nonetheless, I knew exactly where Yevette's sweet bundle of joy lay, since I was all too familiar with it. I positioned myself right up to her entrance and the devil's tango begun. Her hands grabbed my hair and I had no choice but groan.

"Seb.." She tried speaking. I closed my eyes as I lost myself and my entire being in her; feeling electrified as she cried out for me. I didn't want to stop, but I knew soon that I had to. I wasn't even wearing a condom which meant that I had to pull out of her. I wasn't aware of her birth control usage so it was better to be safe than sorry.

I flipped us around so that she was now on my lap and held her as close to me as I possibly could. I kissed her throat feeling her pulse increase as our pace in movement increased. My mind was foggy, I was in heaven but was so close to hell. I wanted this... Hell, I needed this. I was a selfish man but I couldn't be blamed. Any man would become selfish around a powerful, arousing woman like Yevette. Our pace quickened even more as we both were about to reach our climactic endings.

"You.. n-need--" Yevette begun but I stopped her with a nod. We continued until I absolutely could not hold on any longer and pulled myself out of her experiencing one of the best orgasms I've ever had. She slumped down on me reaching her high as well panting as though she ran an eight mile race. "I'm sorry," I whispered to her noticing that the windows had fogged up due to our recent activities. I don't regret it but I know I put her relationship and mine in jeopardy.

"I don't want to see you cry again. It's heartbreaking. I guess I just have sympathy for the devil." Was all she said as she got off from on top of my lap.

"Can you reach to the glove compartment and grab me the wipes. We need to clean up." She leaned forward, her beautiful backside in my view and got the cleansing wipes for us. Thank god Lila thought that it would be a good idea to keep them in there. We cleaned ourselves and I grabbed her face, "Keep this a secret?" She sighed and closed her eyes.

"Anything for you, your majesty. It's not like you don't get everything you want. See? You're completely back to normal. No tears or anything!" She was almost shouting. I wasn't going to deal with her so I opened the car door feeling the crisp, yet fresh breeze hit my face and arms. My foggy mind cleared a little bit and I waited for Yevette to exit my car.

"I'm going to obviously keep this a secret, but you better promise me that Lila is happy and that you are there for her. Because even though what we're doing is wrong it's not hurting anyone as far as I know, it's just you." She stormed off back into the bar wiping at her face as though she had been tearing up.

Both Tuck and Yevette had gone back to their vehicle and were on their way home while Lila and I were pulled over at the side of the road. She was in tears and I was trying to comfort her.

"I know I've been detached from you for a while now, but I promise you I'm not cheating on you. Work has got me stressed out and I guess having sex with you helps me blow off some steam."

"That's no excuse Sebastian. Do you not love me anymore? Please tell me now so I can give you back your expensive diamond ring. I am not willing to commit myself to you if you don't want to do the same for me." I felt bad. Really bad; I wasn't sure what she wanted to hear at this point. I wanted to be truthful to her and tell her how I really felt but I knew it would crush her. It's not that I didn't love her, I just really didn't care for such a big wedding with all the attention, and people.

I wasn't about to take away her dreams from her because I was caught up wallowing in my own pitty. I can come off as an extremely detached person when I'm only just trying to stay behind the curtains.

"Lila I love you, and always will. I don't ever want you to take off that ring that I gave to you, because I pledged my heart to you that night when I asked you to become my wife. This is my first wedding. I don't know what to do and frankly I'm not big on all the preparations; but I'll try to be more invloved. But most importantly, I will be a better man to you, for you... For us." I finished my run on sentence with a smile on my face.

She pulled me close to her hugging me tightly and kissing my chin. I really didn't want to hurt her, but my urges were strong and I had to resist. It hurt me to know that Yevette didn't want me as much as before but that was okay because I had a beautiful woman, with a bright future ahead of us.

"I have something to tell you. I was going to wait till we got home but I think I should tell you now."

Lila looked at me hesitantly as I kept a straight face waiting for her reveal. She let go of me and reached into her purse rummaging through it looking for something. Eventually, she pulled out a piece of plastic that was white and pink. I turned on the overhead lights in my car and my heart dropped.

"I'm pregnant Sebastian... We're having a baby."

Earlier that night Yevette told me that our secret love affair wasn't hurting anyone. That wasn't true. It was hurting my heart, it was hurting Lila's heart and it was most definitely hurting the baby that was inside of my fiancée.

Hello!!!! Cliffhanger Yes! I don't really leave you guys on cliffhangers but I had to this time.

Okay so I want to firstly say thank you to all of my supporters and for waiting patiently for my upload that took 2000 years.

So guys, some big things are going to be happening and I'm not just talking about this story!! I'm not sure if I can disclose any information at the moment but when I can I'll tell you all all about it.

I'm so excited you guys. There will more than likely be a separate chapter dedicated to the news, since I am not sure how many will read my A/N or Messages from my MB.

Thank you all for your kind and hella funny comments. They make my day/night and I appreciate each and every one of you all.

I'm going to try and write another chapter so that I can get it up ASAP. I'm also going to try and update Wrong Number. Reading other stories has given me some inspiration to write after having writers block for the past couple of weeks.

Anywho, I love you all!

Until my next upload!!!


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