Chapter 25

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Hola Cola fam!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Also let's just take a minute to appreciate Lila's beauty... she's hot hot hot.

Okay okay, no more waiting.

Song: Love In The Sky by The Weeknd

"Come on ladies! You got to stand as straight as possible. No giggling! Please hold the single flower that was provided to you properly...!" Lila's maid of honor was going crazy barking orders at us as if we were wild animals.

"Look, woman I ain't your kid, and you're over reacting because we look just fine." One of the bridesmaids said in exasperation towards her which in turn caused her to huff.

"I'm sorry. I'm just super nervous and want Lila to get the full experience." Cindy said as she plopped herself onto the chair closest to her. I stiffled a laugh that was dying to come out.

"Ladies, let's take a Margarita break--well Lila could have a Shirley." I say as I walked over to meet Cindy.

Balls of sweat were rolling down her face even though we were in a fully air conditioned room. She looked as though she had done hours of hard work, but maybe that was because she was sweating off all her make up. I sat next to her and grabbed her hand in mine.

"Cindy, you need to breathe. You're acting crazier than Lila! We're all going to be just fine okay?" I said to her as she sighed.

"What are you guys planning for Lila's bachelorette party?" Sophie, one of the bridesmaids asked sipping some wine.

I was quite curious to know what they had planned for her. I never knew Lila to be any sort of party girl so it would be nice to see her get loose before she tied the knot and became a proper wife to the man she was in love with. I was at a good place with myself. I came to the conclusion that I am a changed woman and that what ever happened in the past with Sebastian will stay there. I was finally ready to move on with my life, and I was ready to accept Sebastian as the husband of a friend rather than my booty call.

"We wanna take her to a strip club. I know it's been over done but I'm kinda also doing this for myself since I wanna bring a man home tonight. It's been too long." Cindy was blushing as she spoke but I grimaced.

"Oh god, please let's do something else! I don't want to have any man's balls in my face!" Sophie whispered in horror. She seemed the youngest one here so I could understand her discomfort. I didn't want another man's balls in my face either plain and simple.

"Well it's not like we can go to Vegas, we're in The Bahamas. What else can a woman who's about to lose her freedom do on the last few nights before her big day?" Cindy asked. She sounded disappointed... she really wanted to see some sexy chocolate men.

"I don't know, but think of something fast. I'm going downstairs to the bar for a couple of drinks. I'll be back in a few minutes." I made my way out of the door and to the elevator. As I entered, I fixed my baby blue sun dress, pulling it down feeling it tug against my curves.

I pressed the ground floor button but at the very last minute before the door closed, a familiar tall and handsome man entered the elevator with me. I looked down at my manicured feet as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Hey." He said. I looked up at him.


"Where you headed?" He had a hint of a small smile on his lips.

"To the bar. You?" This was getting increasingly awkward. Ding. We passed a floor.

"Oh, same here. The guys needed more beer."

"Oh." I wanted to stab myself in the eye with a pencil.

"Can I say something? I know it's way too late but--"

"Go ahead." I cut him off.

"I'm sorry for all the fucked up shit I put you and Lila through." I rolled my eyes. What did he want now because I know for sure that Sebastian Graham apologized to no one.

His apology seemed genuine, but he was a good actor. He could lie to muliple people through his teeth, so why should I believe him?

"Why now? Why apologize now?" Ding. Almost to the ground floor.

"Because I realized that I was wrong. I was wrong for cheating on my woman, I was wrong for using you both and I see that now. For fucks sake I'm going to become a father and I don't want my son or daughter to follow in my horrible ways." Jesus fucking Christ.

This man had a epiphany. Damn.

"So please let's just put all that crap behind us and be happy for each other. I will no longer be seeing you, and I won't try to wiggle my way into your life any more." He finished his grand speech.

My heart broke just a little knowing that he won't be a major role in my life anymore. I did care for him whether I liked to admit it or not. There was always something about him that drew me nearer but that led to a lot of shit.

I smiled somberly and nodded. Ding. Finally.

"Thank you and good luck with your life. You deserve happiness." I stepped out of the elevator and expected him to do the same but he just clicked another button and doors shut again.

He lied! He only left his room to apologize. I, Yevette Smith had seen it all. I felt a spur of ecstasy build up inside of me as a new chapter of my life was going to begin. It had been long overdue after all.

Sebastian's POV

Ugh fuck! It felt like eighty plus pounds had been removed from on my chest and I could breathe again. I made amends with Yevette. I needed to this because I couldn't look myself in the mirror knowing that I was still hurting the person that I loved.

My plan was to ask to speak to her alone because she was in Cindy's room but luckily I managed to get her in the elevator. She was beautiful as always but now I've learned to admire her without lusting for her. Of course a small part of me will always want to devour her but for now, my main focus was my wedding and being a happy, successful man.

My subconscience wanted to tell Tuck about our affairs so that he could hate me and not her, but I decided not to. That would just cause everything I have planned to fall apart. I was going to make amends with everyone I ever held a grudge against or who hated me for whatever reason.

I still had to uphold my boss side but I planned to be nicer to the people around me. After almost losing Lila, I realized that the way I treated people was going to cause me to lose everything and everyone. Having money was one thing but I needed to be happy.

Omfg! Hell has frozen over! Azaria has updated and Sebastian has apologized. Damn I missed y'all.

Thank you for being patient with me and I'm sorry for making you wait 3 agonisingly long months for an update.

I'm happy to note that we've hit #1 in mustread another milestone achieved!! Yay for us lol.

I'm about to hit 130K reads and I'm suuuper happy. Thank you for supporting me through everything. I luuuuuh ya!

Until next upload,


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